Legend High-Chapter 6

He tried thinking about other things, but the question had burned itself in his mind like a brand for the miltanks. 'just why did it not kill me?.....' tanner asked himself as he thought about that day again.......

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Remember the Oath 11 - A Good Park Ruined

"right, a rapidash, a ninetales, a chansey, a seel, a dewgong, and the miltank we had recently.

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Electric Touch: Chapter 31 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Let's see if you can still give him what he deserves even though you're fatter than a fucking miltank!" he taunted her. raichu stared at the man with confusion. this was new for her. she had met lamentable humans, that's right.

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A Beachside Encounter

She stared at him the way a miltank would look at an oncoming train. "what??? i dont get it." his mind did a series of things all at once. first came the shoulder tentacruel of wicked desires.

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Jim Chronicles Route 35 (Scrapped Old Edition)

The miltank didn't just beat his crew, half of them were beaten so badly they would take months to be able to walk again. his starter, a strong male croconaw had trouble eating from a broken jaw.

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Felicia's Fancy 04 Lucky Day

Then we can fuck to the miltanks come home. gloss: \*pouts\* felicia: you're no fun. feres: karin's right. if you start now, i'll miss out on the fun. felicia: fine. gloss: whatever.


Pokémon - A Different Story 2

He thought about having a miltank or even a ponyta. 'ha!' he thought, 'i'll never be able to do that.' but now he had to think about which pokémon he did want to father...or mother in his case.

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Raised on the Ranch

She was by the miltank and tauros, and she looked kind of irritated at me. no surprise, i've been laying on the hill for some time trying to take a nap. the wind blew and i could feel my short brown hair tickle me neck and ears.

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Wanderlust's Consequence Part 3

"i thought milk only came from miltanks." "it's a mammalian thing. usually only females after birth so they can feed their young."

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Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 20 – Understanding everything can be a burden

**5 minutes later** ** ** the miltank finished and gave emil the bucket back, half full with sweat milk. emil took it and then he placed a big kiss on the head of the miltank. the miltank blushed slightly until emil said „thank you!

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Separation Anxiety F Glaceon X M Trainer

Yeah, thanks, bye," while i was on the phone glaceon had gone from milktank girl to reverse miltank girl. she started grinding from side to side and stroking my face with her fluffy tail, i gave it a playful pull and she yelped in surprise.

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Just a dream

Soon, rural fields where miltank and mareep were grazing on the green grasses changed into the more familiar city landscape. nestled against the young trainer's arm was irma- his first pokemon, a gothitelle."

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