There is still refuge for these outspoken few, cast out by society they found the warrens, those underground places long since thought forgotten and abandoned by the children they sheltered so long ago where once more hosts of a defiant few.
Fostered from hell
Pocketing the pile of notes mikael pulled up his trousers and headed out to his one place of refuge his one solace in his life, the small brick lined room near the stables.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt8
As soon as they met back up they each fell into position and took off for refuge point which wasn't too far off. "thanks for the escort," huttser said to the leader of the caravan.
Quite an interesting turn of events
He pushed it slightly deeper to signal her to walk, smirking as he led her back to the campfire where he hun the loose bits of the whip over a knot on the previously mentioned tree of refuge.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 8 - Remastered
As soon as they met back up they each fell into position and took off for refuge point which wasn't too far off. "thanks for the escort," huttser said to the leader of the caravan.
Corrupted Souls-Chapter Two
Rita took a moment to collect herself and then she finally admitted, "jamie and i took refuge in the pyramid up ahead due to a sandstorm that broke out.
Trial and Error
Is it not normal for the bored to seek refuge from the barren wasteland that it often presents? needless to say it is not often easy and those who suffer its coils are often left with desperation for a refuge.
Red Sam Pre-write/Prologue
She was thankful that the mrs. of the house had given her refuge, but she couldn't wait for the woman's plans to unfold. for her, milo, and sam to run away and live together elsewhere, away from the man...
Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying
Because of it, we forsake ourselves and take refuge in things we can understand. and we fear things we can't understand.
Raziek "Blake" Draconis - Expanded Concept
Screaming for her husband, the portal closed, and both her and blake were instantly warped through dimensions seeking refuge. the two found themselves in a different world.
Through the storm. Chapter 1- A kind gesture
Haste towards the large cliff, before she stopped at the hole, and hesitantly started to enter it. from what she could tell, it was completely empty, nothing more than a few left over berries, which were eaten mostly by other pokemon. she decided to take refuge
Vox chronicles - Prologue
Those who could took refuge underground and those who could not were twisted into something new the overlanders. but from this destruction came new life.