The Convention

The general lack of tf representation disappoints me, but there's still a transformation meetup on the schedule later in the evening. it will be my best chance to meet other people from the community.

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Stress And A Mess (Special Edition)

"each of you will test a different mode of representation. inside this bag, there are several papers with excerpts from speeches by the characters from hamlet, which you will have to represent."

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Stress And A Mess (Commission)

"each of you will test a different mode of representation. inside this bag, there are several papers with excerpts from speeches by the characters from hamlet, which you will have to represent."

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Four

I have given it some thought and decided i need new representation." bear said solemnly. guz's chair squealed as he sat upright. "new representation? you're not saying..." "yes i am.

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 8

The blob wasn't the actual shape of it, merely a representation of it that marcus would have been reasonably able to comprehend. the orange orb-like eye squinted at me curiously.

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Against All Odds: Part 3 - White Lies

Most would be forgiven for thinking this a representation of a monster as opposed to a person.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: chapter 7

The next thing she feels is being cradled like a baby by the now massive spiritual representation of jacob snow. his feet extend below the clouds all the way to the ground he is soo massive.

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Change of Perspective Page 39

A representation of our combined will and thought that is us and yet so much more." mila raises an eye ridge, "how does that even work? how did that happen?"

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"BLEU" - Me'Zelf

** ** **current personality description:** his personality representation could be easily explained by the colour presented, because it was my genuine expression of colour choice during his creation.

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The Gloss Galactic

The bulges - ranging in size from marble to baseball - shifted and spun in a stylised representation of the solar system. they then shrank in size until only the sun remained visible.

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Womb of Heaven

Every representation of ailuros was supplanted by a representation of a matronly bull with beautiful, curly hair. even the sign at the entrance to the resort changed. no longer "eros ails", the sign now read "the rose and thorn."

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