CBD: Limbless in the lounge

The rune casting was simplified by drawing around the section to be cut. once activated, the rune circle would penetrate anything within it to leave a perfect fit.

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Dark and azure sky pt 4

She looked at mata who was drawing runes. her eyes grew wide when she recognized the last rune: power rune; sun.

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Hypnovember 11 - Summon

All at once, the runes on his skin burned so good. he felt, deep down inside, the memories and personality buried under all these glowing runes lock--beyond his reach until his master bid their return.

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Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG] Part 6

A simple spell, mostly to teach the novices how to empower runes--and then cast without drawing the rune--but it was enough to make her point.

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 3

You now see a third rune engraved upon it next to the other runes and the new rune is glowing red. asriel looks at it, "i-i didn't do it, it's not my fault, at least i think it's not my fault."

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The End and The Beginning - Chapter 1

Now comes the fun part as he started rune-crating onto the item he had a wonderful idea of combing two runes before putting it onto the ring.

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teals story chapter two

rune: notice hat i got like, zilch screen time in this charpet? just you wait... just you wait, eventualy i will be a huge-o character that can transform... rova:\*brings a masive hammer down on runes head\* rune: what the hell was thats for?!?!?!?!

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Loki: The Runecaster

As i cried, i carved rune after rune, but nothing happened. i began trying runes i wasn't even sure were real runes, but for the life of me i couldn't recall the one i needed.

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Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 10

Life without the runes weighing me down...without hurting me..i need them gone...i need to taste that freedom again. "but they are still there!" he gestured with both hands to the runes as he stood up.

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Thieves (Chapter 4): Reunion

"runed collar..." she said through her clenched teeth at the sight of it. she could plainly see six small glowing runes running along the inside of the collar. one of which she recognized instantly as the "rune of binding."

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Runewolf: prelude

This limits the power of the thornbeak mages and runemasters, so rune technology is not very useable in thornbeak society.

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Demon Torture

For one the bottom of the hour glass wasn't as wide as the rune stone.

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