Lone Wolf
**Lone Wolf** The screech of steel pierced through his headphones, not even the high intensity bass that was pumping could hope to muffle the deafening sound. It didn't help that his transformation had increased his hearing far beyond that of the...
Scaly and Furry Adventures in Skyrim 1
Tags: no sex, sex talk, adult themes, offered prostitution, declined prostitution, khajiit, argonian, mage, thief, series,
Eeveelutionary Changes
"So how many badges have you got yet, Stephen?" A male trainer asked, sipping his coffee and leaning back in his chair. "I got four so far. Was just heading to the Lumiose City gym before I ran into you. What about you, Kevin? How many do you got?"...
Hero Chapter 2
Hero Chapter 2 -- A Shoulder to Cry On... "So, do you think the little guy likes Jacob too?" Scott asked out of the blue, as he, Jack, and Jonathan sat at one of the lunch room tables, about thirty minutes before first period. "Huh?" Jonathan,...
Behind Closed Doors
**Behind closed doors** Behind closed doors you will see the woollen scarf unravelling, at both ends, the spider re-spinning his defeated home and, above all, the sideways chair, stood prone. The ballpoint leaks ink, sullying the blank...
Rocketing Around the Galaxy 9
Tags: no sex, adult themes, sci-fi, rocket raccoon, fighting, injury, blood, series, wolf, timber wolf, alien, raccoon, blackmail, explosive, banter, finale,
A different kind of training - Prologue
They are owned by some big corporation that i don't care to remember.a warning: this series contains adult themes that include m/m, trainer/pokemon, pokemon/pokemon, and rimming.
Temeraire X Iskierka pt. 1
Note: adult themes incoming next installment...  "laurence! laurence!" temeraire nosed excitedly on the poor soul resting on his elbow.
Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)
**Monday Morning** They woke me up really early in the morning, the sun just barely coming up. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because I was too restless to be able to sleep at all. Plus the night terrors that haunt my dreams nearly every...
The Soldier Side: Preface
Gore, sex, nudity, and excessive profanity, along with other adult themes will be present during this story. pairings will be both m/m and m/f. this story is set during the dark ages, and features the usual fantasy themes.
The Wild River - Gending Machines
(adults only)" the nebula observer rated wild river the best adult-themed water park of the best adult-themed planet in the best pleasure system this side of the andromeda galaxy.
**Fear** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ ** ** This should never have come. This was never my burden to bear. This was never my soul to take on, a tainted, dark semblance of something that, perhaps, once could...