Central Space: Part 1

Outpost 23 was far from central space, and shipments this far away would cost a lot more than they could afford. instead they made do with whatever rough materials they could find. "anything?" simone asked.

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Y2: Prologue - Aries

It was a common port used by those headed into non-central space, a port on the edge of safety for most. that included aries, although that edge was on the opposite side for the dark captain.

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780 Standing Stones

._ _"in the middle, where the worst fighting had been, there was literally a ring of corpses, all of them radiating outward from a central space that was completely empty. it was the only piece of untouched dirt on the entire field.

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Life of Flare

A small student sized apartment, where all the rooms, minus the bed and bath were a central space. she only had enough room for a bed, a couple of dressers and a small closet, too lazy to install shelves when the floor was free space for mess anyway.


Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 26

As she walked into the central space, she saw people on cots, most showing signs of having been injured in the attack that brought her here. brad had intercepted the alert over the law's comm about the fight.

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A Night with the Pack - Kinktober 2021, Day 21

The room's furniture having been re-arranged from its normal positions around the coffee table so that things were pushed back to the walls to create a more open central space.

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House Mouse

A small crowd had formed around a central space of open ground, where a squat, irate and elderly otter had pulled aside captain fletcher while he was on patrol. "you!" he screeched, pointing a webbed claw at the lion. "you...

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Nothing but the Radio On

He looked around the room, the empty seats ringing a central space that was filled with a pedestal that was covered with pillows. "oh, right over there."

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To the Basement

The central space was wide open, small tiled pillars with the same metal squares planted into them; the left side of the room was divided into three extra rooms.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 1: Ground Zero

He often tried to convince himself that it was just his own ignorance, or maybe the fact that, being from a small town in iowa, he never really had a chance to encounter many 'aliens'... they usually stayed near the central space hubs in the united

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Jamie’s Night Out

The club had many tables, and the central space was dominated by a large bar. there were around thirty furs of various species. foxes, wolves, otters, birds and even a couple of dragons.

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A vintage pool table dominated the central space, with curved screens and holoprojectors hung on the walls. a strange wall ornament hung opposite her, a black disk with beige wedges and little red and green rectangles.

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