Super Sneakers: Chapter 4

Heroic Wardrobe For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon Crisp groaned as he made his way to the checkout line of the clothing store. The wolf's cheeks felt like they were on fire. Hardly a new feeling, considering the alien sneakers on his feet, but...

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Matched Set

Matched Set by Zatie Luna Vulpe The locker door wasn't quite shut today. That was rarely a good sign. Emily kind of scratched behind her ears as she tried to picture her morning, whatever might have led to this. All she could picture was her...

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Then he advanced on her retreating form as he discarded his clothing, transforming as he was finally free from his article of clothing.

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Adventures of a Boy Hostage

At that exact moment, as amy swelled and grew, i was too struck by her abject beauty, her clothes transforming to take the shape of a flowing red ball gown.

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Chapter: 5 Decisions

"you didn't think my clothing transformed too did you?" the ookami laughed at him. inuyasha crossed the distance between them in a heartbeat, grabbing the wolf and hugging him tightly.

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Changing Clothes

The last thing he remembered hearing from her was that the clothes transformed someone based on the kind of clothing they wore, and the pictures he got of her were amazing. he saw her with thicker thighs, a bigger chest, and then nothing.

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NOC Ch22: Purity Test

Suddenly he saw antlers growing from the hare's skull, his clothes transforming into the distressed faux-punk outfits that marcus wore. he imagined the situation reversed. he imagined the cheetah being the one holding the gun. eli.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 52: Office Debauchery

The cloth is no match for this form and he utterly ruins his clothes transforming into his winged dragon form with the addition of rather large balls. he pulls shreds of his clothing off as fast as he can and starts playing with his sheath.

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My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess)

Her clothes transformed into a miko-style outfit and she stood before him in a proud stance. wes walked over and examined the material with his hands, making sure he wasn't hallucinating. "whoa! that's... oh man!"

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Chapter 3

"are you saying that the cloth transformed by itself?" "yeah. why, is that weird or something?" "no, it's... complicated. but i'll have to explain later. it's getting late and if we don't get a move on, we won't get a good lunch."

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Gender Identity

His clothes transforming was very bizarre, but it didn't bother him. he did wonder 'why' it was happening, but he couldn't do anything about it but let it happen. he stepped out of the bathroom just in time to get a double take from an older male cat.

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Lisa's weekend, part 3

Juliet looked at them and by using her imagination, they both transformed before her eyes; lisa's clothes transformed to be beautiful, blue, medieval, princess dress, and bart lost his shirt to leave his torso bare, a bit more muscular than it was in real

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