It seemed as though the darkness had a consciousness. It appeared to move inward and outward, pressing inside and out of rooms and hallways in the very large and strange estate. Even the stone...
Lost the Bet
An uber-scary horror/thriller seemed like fair game, and cally hoped it would scare crista out of her wits, so she'd leave her alone, at least until it was finished.
Fateful Happenstance: Chapter 5
There's a cheesy romance film that would probably make you spew your guts out in disgust or a gory horror thriller that'd make you want to jump off a cliff. take your pick."_ _ _ i paused. "um, what? neither of them sounds pleasant."
Reconnecting the Family
thrillers, sometimes dabbling into poe-inspired dark poetry that she shared online.
The Crimson Depths of the Cosmic Odyssey. (Part 2)
There is tftg, corruption, mc and more included but at its core, this is really more of a mild horror/thriller. this is a long story and sits on the border between novelette and novel.
/thriller novel chapter 1 . . .
The Crimson Depths of the Cosmic Odyssey. (Part 1)
There is tftg, corruption, mc and more included but at its core, this is really more of a mild horror/thriller. this is a long story and sits on the border between novelette and novel.
Made Over
Barbie came last, providing a generous amount of milk, accompanied by shrieks that would have been way over budget for a cheap horror thriller. she thanked me with a lingering passionate kiss and by giving my teeth a full dental examination.
The Crimson Depths of the Cosmic Odyssey. (Part 3)
There is tftg, corruption, mc and more included but at its core, this is really more of a mild horror/thriller. this is a long story and sits on the border between novelette and novel.