Ofenna's alarm rang, rousing her from slumber, she must have been deep asleep because it felt and looked like it was further away than normal to reach her phone, she found it, hit snooze, and then stopped. "Oh god damnit, now what?!" She yelled in...
Eat a Dick
The rich aroma, the slight sizzle of fresh sausage cooking, the large preds surrounding him; it was all foreign, yet alluring to the buck. "oh just a nibble won't hurt.
In Which Master Goat and the Famous Cock Part Company, Chapter 3/4
Milo had never been pleasured by such a large pred before, and the feeling of that hefty wolf-paw running up and down his sensitive length made him gasp and stiffen rapidly.
Face to Face with a Tiger
I feel small being inside this large preds belly, but that is the beauty of it. **odtiger:** purrs, rubbing over the barely discernible bulge in his belly **odtiger:** mmm, comfy my lil friend?
Best Way to Travel Pt.2
Murress is regurgitated safely at the new airport and someone has a request of the large pred. part 3 will most likely be the conclusion.
Procrastinating Hibernation
He felt the massive length prodding at his side while he was hugged against the large pred. jerry then watched as todd yawned widely, giving him one more looking into the dark depths of the fox's gullet.
Urban Hunt
The otter clenched his fists as he spat slurs at the large pred. several beers and the cold fire of rejection fueled the smaller male to throw common sense to the wind and provoke the big cat. his eyes focused on the long crimson scarf and huffed.
Not willing enough 2
Gurgling sounds start to fill the room as the feline's belly immediately starts to work on its sacrifice, turning it into nothing more than nutrients for the large pred. "damn..."
Change of Plans
Indeed, the moaning voice belonged to a very large pred, but frank sighed in relief as he recognized the fat bear as his friend boris. he soon identified the cause of the moans as well, as a small rabbit was eagerly sucking the bear's cock.
Yes Master
It seemed like there were a lot furs out there attracted to strong and large preds, i think i heard how a lion once called it the "preydrive". it was an interesting phenomenon, though it had me quite a bit worried about my bunny roommate.
First Time At Vore Club
large preds - ranging from big dogs to large dragons, from sharp-toothed felines to horned beasts that she had no way of identifying - lounged out on different cushions, each of them either well-fed or being fed.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:32
It was a largely pred affair, and as such they never really had anything made up for prey aside from simple side dishes. "ma?" vernon glanced back at his mother, concern lacing his features. " what about dawn?" "mhhm?"