Unexpected Visit
Chosen: Chapter Four
**Chosen** **Chapter Four** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar_ _ _ ** ** Thinking that she could hide her powers proved all too swiftly to be a false hope. Making a daisy grow, from just the one...
GoM-Ep19-Gaining Control-
During the weekly magic practice brian had then awakened to another part of his magic and had finally unlocked his beast form. brian's massive overflow of magic created a small magic forest as he summoned the beast form of his own.
The bandit darted up the stairs, searching for the scent of the bandit's black magic practices. his last nose was much better at it, but at this range max's would suffice.
The Magic of Promise
While this can be circumvented, in part, with raw drive, there is a certain amount of, for lack of better word, talent, that makes magic practical. most aspiring magicians spend their first weeks in class measuring this talent.
Pitch Episode 6: Leading Ladies
"as we all know there are 4 categories of magic. practical magic that fulfills a specific purpose and is open to be used by the masses.
The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 2
The boy jumps off onyxia, and does the stretches and morning magic practice he has been doing his entire life.
Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2
"hhhhmmmm, well you have breakfast with the princess, then your latest lessons on republic laws, lunch, then some magic practice with the lunar guard, free time, dinner with the princes, military meeting before the princess's night court."
LoMF - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #3
I had been part of giratina's forces as his lead researcher and assisted his top commander radiance a diancie in coming up with plans and assisted her in her magical practice.
The Road Beyond Rome - Part 2
The magic practiced there didn't bear thinking about. krater shuddered, remembering the times he'd nearly died there. still, there was one important detail learned from his time there. spells don't create life, they capture it.
To Bear an Egg
After magic practice." jerome pretended to look crestfallen. he then jumped on berome and hugged him. "i love you. did i ever tell you that?" berome chuckled and blushed, his cheekscales turning orange. "only about two hundred times a day.
Study Break: Her Dragon Boyfriend (erotic eBook teaser)
And i've been wanting to taste you since my last magic practice session ended..." he made a strangled little sound in the back of his throat, eyes wide with desire that he was barely even able to hold back. "unff... gloria..."