Keeping Warm
The male protagonist will be a Male Stallion named Reginald, or Regi for short. He has a pure white pelt, a pair of bright blue emerald eyes twinkle above a muscular jaw line, along the back of his head runs a mane that's been dyed with neon green...
Season's Front
The mountain tops were now entombed in a thick coat of milky snow. a sign that winter's heart had been lifted as she took her station in the next hemisphere. the fervid spring had never felt so lush, as if this were the first season.
"The Ilot"
The tracks they were on curved slowly, skipping from mountain top to mountain top till it slipped into a large entrance tunnel under the perimeter wall.
Super Kitty vs. Scarlet Tigress
She was facing the direction that the sun would rise in with her eyes closed, her short, red cape fluttering in the arctic winds that blew through the mountain tops.
Ferrymen's Voyage
Ferrymen's voyage up high on the mountain tops, up higher than the clouds, up were the stars dance, lived the brave men and women of starlight. those who sailed the endless sea of night, threaded the sun's rays, and charted the stars.
If not someone...then I 3
Fallen pillars,a cold mountain top,the similar designs on the floor of the flute and the triangle."i sighed _'if you want we can go back.'arceus said_ "no i'm fine. i would actually like to go on." arceus nodded.
Curse of the Mightyena Chapter 6
As the last mountain top neared zach noticed a strange light coming from atop it. as soon as they landed zach felt a strange tingle, almost like the spirit was calling out to him.
Across the Divide
So barred from success by this foggy wall, divided by those small suspended drops, which wait opportunistically to fall, i can not see those mighty mountain tops.
First Moon
Christophe reached the mountain top at nightfall. upon reaching the top, he saw adrian waiting for him. "i'm so glad i found you adrian," christophe gave the blue wolf a hug, "i'm not going to lie. i'm afraid. i'm very afraid.
top, what was, is now my plan?
Hoss Update: And the Ass Said to the Angel, Let's Play Kick to Kick.
Well, i have been to the mountain top. and it was fucking cold and sometimes blowing a gale and my mane looks really sexy blowing in a force 9 gale so that was ok. on more serious notes.
My dream date pt.1
He chuckles as he says "glad you think so, 'tis why i bought it see, cuz the view from the mountain top is amazing!" my ears perk up and flicker. "mountain top? you live on top of a mountain?!" he looks at me with a grin and nods. "yep.