DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians

**INTRODUCTION** **the dragons keep** **In a world far beyond our own lies a planet just like ours, but only that planet is inhabited by "dragons" called " the dragon's keep". these dragons are more civilized than you would expect, they do the...

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Todd's Coming Out (Part 1)

They think it gives them some kind of mythical powers crap. i don't need mythical powers to turn _my_ special person on. and you like the bad-boy fox better. he's naughtier.'

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Big Stake Out

Neither dack nor her contacts knew the full scope of their inventory, but they knew of the trinket that mattered most: a religious relic from a long-dead order, fabled to hold a mythical power.

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Meet the Guardians: The Celestial Jester

mythical powers: stars were believed to have ethereal energies, meaning he could transform into a being made of such energies. jestro can defy gravity and fly through the air at high speeds.

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Part II-Education

"well, the dragons don't have mythical powers like fire breath, and the wings are really kind of there for decoration. it's mostly anatomical. it's pretty rare that you come across a scalie, let alone be one.

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A mythic's power is linked to their soul. so when you gained that man's power you gained everything." she leaned up and mashed her wet body against his and kissed him. "all his thoughts." she kissed him again and held it longer. "all his memories."

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A wolf and his dog (Part 6)

Arch might have been a mythic powerful werewolf, a leader of armies and a king among even his elite warriors; but he was still very much a male, and he had a penis just like eve, just like any other male, with its sensitivities and weaknesses.

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Xebassian's Playroom, Part 1 of 4

"understand that back when i'd originally chosen 'dragon' as my choice of self image, i appreciated the mythic power traditionally associated with the species."

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Servant of the Sea

mythic powers are a funny thing like that." she reached out and stroked linda's cheek with complete and total disregard of her personal space as her "are you a mermaid or something?" linda's brow furrowed.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 16

Militaries, super soldiers, true bloods, mythical power sources that can destroy the world! this is not in my job description!" eve lets out a laugh as she looks back to fitz with a sly expression, that not entirely true.

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Webbed Hooves

He rarely used his mythical powers in such a way, but the time had come! he waved his head around, and his single, pointed horn began to glow. t-lad was unaware of this as he continued to savor the magical juice he'd just extracted.

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Second Nature

Canids took one look at that collar around her neck and just assumed she had mythical powers and could see the future. fucking morons." "you sound very upset about that." "my friend had to live a lie just so she could live in peace!"

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