Project Faction - Mirella Juniper ~ version 0.2
"Your part is done, Juniper." He said to his partner, despite the pain. "But you can't do it alone. You need me, now more than ever." Juniper Replied, understanding his intentions. "My leg is shredded, June. I'm bleeding out as we speak. The...
Lynx girl
Her eyes a perfect dark amber of the lynx. this may confuse me yet im intrigued. she's perfect..... she cant be human... is she. " so you gonna come play or stare at me gawking?" she asks.
Chapter 1: The demon rises
"wow you look perfect darkness." jake gapped. "why thank you jake but why would you ask if i was a black furred demon." darkness said.
Being Used isnt a Bad Thing
He lies still in the perfect darkness, thinking on everything that had happened. as he thinks, he dimly realizes what it was that he had been 'eating' before.
The Holy Mountain of Vengeance
darkness, "does better like thy enemy!
Yip Yip Yip Yowl reviews #1: Top 10 Most Bodacious Female Furries (#10-#8)
And the sad thing is, a bit like sasha, she was going to be the star of her own game developed by rareware (creators of donkey kong country, diddy kong racing, perfect dark, goldeneye 007, banjo-kazooie, killer instinct, jet force gemini, and conker's
The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 5: SWAT Kats
The reality changing machine's work was perfect. dark kat, pastmaster, and other villains were no longer a threat. with such crime gone, both the enforcers and the swat kats found no work.
A Hunt Gone Awry
The sun dipped below the horizon, plunging the forest into nearly perfect darkness. nylea was more than capable of finding her way between massive trees in the low light, a blessing from her vulpine heritage, but ran'kor still had the advantage.
The Cave of Lost Lovers
I guess the reason i didn't use much description was so that you would be able to create your own perfect darkness in your mind.
He silently snuck up on the guard and stroke when he was in perfect darkness turning the guard into one like him.
Fae's Secret: Chapter 3 (Patreon Premium)
Her body was curvy and voluptuous with wide hips and large breasts with perfect dark nipples centered at each. if fae had been an amateur, she might have mistaken the demoness's beauty for harmlessness.
Rendezvous In The Tomb
He spent the time, in near perfect darkness, reciting the heiroglyphs on the walls from memory, singing them as if they were a song. the jackal prince was broken from his reverie when he heard the shuffle of footsteps on the tomb floor.