A Place to Belong - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 "Yeah, sure you don't!" Michael teased, giving me another nudge but he left it at that... I was very grateful. In all truth, I honestly didn't see how anyone could be attracted to me. I definitely wasn't a wolf but because of my...

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter2

The vulpine drew and activated monster reborn, reviving his black rose dragon. black rose destroyed his facedown treeborn frog with ease, and infernity doom dragon got to attack him directly once again. aki-4000 seth-2000.

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Bound by Destiny 19

dragon x 1scrap dragon x 1star eater x 1stardust dragon x 1xyz monstersadreus, keeper of armageddon x 1constellar ptolemy m7 x 1crimson knight vampire bram x 1gaia dragon, the thunder charger x 2lavalval chain x 1number 66: master key beetle x 1shark fortress

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Bound by Destiny 19

dragon x 1 scrap dragon x 1 star eater x 1 stardust dragon x 1 xyz monsters adreus, keeper of armageddon x 1 constellar ptolemy m7 x 1 crimson knight vampire bram x 1 gaia dragon, the thunder charger x 2 lavalval chain x 1 number 66: master key beetle x 1

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Poke Paradise: Vince

rose: dragons?! very impressive. then this should be no trouble for you. zane: well, i guess i should turn things up a bit. zane quickly goes from show thrust to feral pounding. vince growled lustfully as he bounced back against his thrusts.

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Mix And Match

Spyro could hear his rose dragoness moaning in ecstasy above him, his tongue wriggling and inside her tight opening, feeling the tight moist walls clamp around it and try to squeeze it out.

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The Windsar Adventures Part 8: The Rape of Threetails

I know better than to lie - your mother would surely cause me trouble if i misled her favorite child, and i have no wish to draw the ire of flayfire, the rose dragon."

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The Windsar Adventures Part 7: Meeting Yvette/Darkness Unveiled

The rose dragon is one of the oldest living creatures still active on the face of therafim, and one of the most cunning; even if i dared to defy the overlord himself, i'd never dare to defy her.

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