
borrowing by triller picture by the ever-talented saruuk -\> []( it had only been half an hour but ebass's surroundings were already starting to bug the blue dragon.

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Rock Bottom

They suggested that it'd be fun to show how a 'borrower-esque' story might work if set in the against all odds universe, whereby a smaller person lives in secret alongside a larger one, 'borrowing' from them in order to survive.

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Borrowing the Boyfriend

I just wanna borrow him for a while, since you're always flaunting him in front of me...showing off that big, tasty cock and keeping it _just_ out of my reach..."

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Something Borrowed

Once more fuscus was left standing in only his borrowed boxer-briefs, panting from his muzzle, his thick body standing tall and proud.

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Borrowing Freedom

My everyday curse and my greatest obstacle does not like to be ignored, so i must flee and borrow the freedom she boasts whenever allowed. the problem with borrowing freedom is that you have to return it after a time.

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Borrowed Time

Whether this was just borrowed time that was staving off the inevitable, was hard to tell.

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Borrowing the Zune

. :3 **borrowing the zune** rocket's cheeks flushed as he lay down upon the roof of the milano. even now he could see that smirk upon quill's face.

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Borrowed by the Prince

borrowed by the prince by thatstrexguy "mm, you're so wet already babe. thought of getting caught got ya all worked up?"

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Borrowed Gear

Most of the dorm towers had at least one bar in them. The social benefits of a communal watering hole on a community as large as the towers were well documented. As dense as the towers tended to be, there was a paradoxical need for private space and a...

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Borrowing Some Features

"I keep telling you that you should read more often. You can find some really cool stuff in the back of some old, dusty books." Advice to pick up a reading habit couldn't have come at a much weirder time for Exile, and he had to imagine that it was...

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Preview: Borrowed by the Prince

borrowed by the prince (preview) by thatstrexguy "mm, you're so wet already babe. thought of getting caught got ya all worked up?"

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A Bone Borrowed (XXX)

# **a bone borrowed** (xxx) the exertion of our sparring and the eventual finale left me in a weird state. if it had been a hunt, then the climax would have been to make the killing blow. a regular fight would have left me too tired to be annoyed.

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