The Chain
The silver dragon shook his leg to see if the chain was any looser. the magical chain had grown larger as the dragons grew. it allowed them to move about the caves but never far enough to get to freedom. "sorry tag!
I love you, baby, i'm in chains, i'm in chains, i'm in chains, i'm in chains. should have known passing through the gate, that once inside i could not escape. i never thought this could happen to me, never thought this is where i'd be.
His nipples were each pierced, with a chain hanging between them. just below that was a bellybutton piercing as well. on his right leg was a belt around his thigh, and a chain that lazily looped down to connect to the cuff.
Home Sweet Farm 2: Mecha Warrior
Home Sweet Farm 2: Mecha Warrior Chapter 1 Two years ago young Kevin Kamoni found out the truth about how he got his mecha arms and he vowed that he would stop his uncle from succeeding in his goal to take over Japan or even worse the...
Island Map
#2 of climbing the food chain a map of the ctfc's island layout the island which climbing the food chain takes place uses terraforming technology in order to create an artificial landscape where multiple different environments can exist in the same geographical
Dark Thoughts
, i said as he chained my feet and one paw to the floor, leaving only one paw free."i-it is cold in here!
Chained by Feathers
Around the stone was a band of tarnished silver engraved with script that read 'bound by chains forged of feathers.'
Chains Broken
_Hello everyone!_ _Sorry it took so long. I like to wait until just about all of my watchers have given up on me before posting another story. I don't know why I do this. Just kidding; I know exactly why. Every time I think "Oh, I'm going to sit down...
Breaker of Chains
Endor returned from the merchant's row to find his lady wearing one of the vilest dresses he ever laid eyes upon. "Did you find dragon pearls?" the raven haired woman smiled hopefully. She was still tying one of the many laces dangling from her dress....
A Chained Dragon
Well...i'm not really comfortable talking about a lot of it, but basically i was left chained there to be humiliated in public view, because my, um... the master enjoys treating his pets like that...making them do discomforting things...and he was to come
Chained Up
Put the ball and chain on me. you love to see me suffer and fail.
Breaking Chains
He was gone, the figure of gamma watched the broken chain link fall unnaturally slowly, clinking loudly in the empty space as it hit the ground. "it has started."