Home Cooked Dissappointment (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the gryphon stared down at his table, trying to figure out how he felt about the plate of noodles, garlic, and beans.

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Garlic Beans (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the fox nodded agreeably, out of sight, as he slipped some garlic powder into the rice cooker's gurgling bumble.

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A Bad Batch of Lobster

Admittedly, the piece was plenty juicy, as it should have been, and all he could really taste was garlic butter on an otherwise flavorless base of flesh.

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BLOOD TIES - Prologue

The man who was nailed with the garlic stood up rubbing his forehead, it seemed i hit him harder than i thought. he seemed to have a slightly glazed look, "garlic doesn't bother you either?"

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Dizzy Twister 4: Moving in

Colin then went off for the final ingredients, some cooking eggs and garlic. he planed a special dinner he was sure dizzy had never before had. on another planet he had learned how to make pasta and garlic bread.

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Making it Fit

"for garlic knots then? you got hard over the garlic knots?" "well, they are called knots..." said the fox, the edge of his muzzle curling up. "i'm going to need a new roommate," mumbled leo. he went over to the sink and stopped short.

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Do you remember the first time we came here?

Jj grabbed at a spoon and scooped up some of the garlic dip. he didn't see the hardly contained laugh of the lion until he bit into the pure garlic. jj immediately reached for his water. the crisp drink even had the tinge of garlic embedded.

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Circus FatLion

The hyena meanwhile surveyed the table load of pasta and bread, four punch bowls of spaghetti and six more loaves of garlic bread. "is this all for you?"

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Dinner at The Shitter

The tiger and mouse sat across from each other and looked left when they saw a small bowl housing cloves of garlic. "garlic?" asked samuel. "it's getting close to halloween remember? garlic keeps the vampires at bay.

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Scrolls of Etheria - Chapter 3

There's garlic if anyone wants it?" roka peered at the garlic. its description read 'garlic: regain ten hit points if eaten, causes status effect: stench breath. can be used in alchemy.' the elf shook his head.

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 3

There's garlic if anyone wants it?" roka peered at the garlic. its description read 'garlic: regain ten hit points if eaten, causes status effect: stench breath. can be used in alchemy.' the canine shook his head.

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Ruth's Revenge

_"you have been eating garlic curry again,"_ i curse mentally in your mind as my stomach rumbles in protest at the taste! this dragon is gastrically allergic to garlic!

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