Late Night Fiasco
pickachu is not my mindless drone, he is me friend.
A tale of a Poke'mon world
They exchange their foreign words, still confusing the pickachu. he tried to speak as they seemed to finish, catching the large kitsune's attention. "you were lost in the forest?" she asks in english.
Rocket Ditto 2
pickachu jumped in. "now get over here and bend over. misty blowing master has me all pent up and i have no patience for foreplay." "yes daddy." umbreon said with a giggle.
Love of Disaster: Part Two
"pika, pi pickachu chu pika pika. pikachu said outload. "sol?" absol asked herself.
Chomping her Gar - heh, see Dat clever title? ;P
The walls, other then that small pokemon walked around, counting a number of minuns and plusles "as you can see our lab is sprawling it activity, the minuns and plusles you see along with many other electric types to help power our equipment" a passing pickachu
One Week to Change: Chapter 8
A young boy and his pickachu, an old man and his growlithe, a woman about the same age as draye with her roserade, and an out-of-shape man and a tall thin woman having a battle against each other with a graveler and monferno respectively.
Now is map that shows and tell about the dungeons that you can go to or you've already went plus it also shows where it's at as well. now then as for you're first mission assignment from a small yellow mouse poke'mon named pichu which his big brother, pickachu
The Pains of Love
Ash's shirt inhaling ash's scent and soaking it in tears. ash hugged him tighter rubbing his back in an attempt to help soothe him. as pikachu's sobs became hiccuping whimpers, ash gently put him down pulled some bandages from his backpack and slowly wrapped pickachu's
Days at the daycare
Days at the daycare "Welcome to the route 34 daycare" Jim says as a trainer walks in. "I need someone to look after my Gardevoir for a week," the trainer says holding a pokeball. "Okay, a week will be 150 pokedollars" Jim says and the trainer...