'excuse us pomi, this might take a while. would you mind?' terra said softly to his old friend. 'fair enough.' pomi replied and got up, leaving his two leaders alone. silvia watched as pomi left.

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Wolf Heat: WHAT OF LOVE?

'thank you pomi. i don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here.' she said, giving his snout a thankful lick. pomi turned his head, blushing slightly under his fur. 'aww chucks luna.

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pomi chuckled. astri giggled as the big wolf turned over and tried to snore loudly. she decided to leave pomi to his sleep. 'ok, fine. bye sleepy-head.' she said and ran off. pomi smiled and drifted back into slumber.

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Story of Kelta - Prologe

pomys?owy i mo?na by pomy?le? ?e to kolejna sklecona b?d? jak buda. ale wedle danych by? to jeden z lepszych warsztatów w mie?cie który zajmowa? si? te? przewozem towarów ró?nej ma?ci. pomimo ciemno?ci nocy która tak szybko go dopad?a namaca? drzwi.

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Studia ze snów M/M PL

pomy?la?em troch?. wol? mieszka? z kim? kto ju? zna troch? ?ycie studenckie. przynajmniej nie b?d? si? o?miesza? na pocz?tku. - prosz? mnie wpisa? do pokoju z panem michaelem. - ju? prosz?... o, tu s? wszystkie informacje, ceny itp. - dzi?kuj?

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WindSwept: Chapter 8

His hair stuck out a bit from his head, and from behind i'd seen that he had...oh damn, what's the word...pomy-tail? oh wait, ponytail, that's right...anyway, he had a strap of blue leather tying some of his hair back into a ponytail.

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