
Like the great pharaohs, this lizard's body would be preserved for millennia, protected from time by stone, latex and cloth. it was on their drive home that terry considered this, and set his apprentice a question.

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The Preserver

Boko's living quarters had looked like nothing else that Klein had ever seen. A concealed trapdoor in the forest floor had opened into an extremely large open underground room which served as the chameleon's home. There were stairs on the walls and...

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She had been saving for years. Through it all. Whether she lost her job, or when her parents abused her. Lou?no, Ashley she had to remind herself and not let her parents brainwashing get through, had seen no reason not to save her money. After all,...

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Wendigo Preservation

Fortunately for them, many humans feel guilty about the impact of our progress, and seek to preserve the natural things. even dangerous ones.

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Preserving the Balance

And when that balance can no longer maintain itself, those who are charged to forever preserve it shall emerge from their domains, bound to their duties towards the world they all served.

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Preserving the Forest

And the guardian of the nature preserve lived for small moments like this. he might even sneak in a small nap, but he was still on duty. at least he didn't have any meetings, so no one would mind that he was completely nude.

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Preserving Nature

Though it was a dry read, in his tired state, damun gleamed from the first paragraph that it was a long term position in a nature preserve off world.

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Wendy Torrance was much frazzled now, as she made her way down the large white staircase leading into the Colorado Lounge. The twisted sensations she felt inside her mind had driven her to push through her family's small room, and now, she had to know...

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Conservation And Preservation

\>\>\>\> Sasha She'd heard the rumbles and felt the tremors, they all had. It had been happening for about an hour off and on. It was enough to put everyone on edge and wary of staying in the open for longer than necessary. It was when...

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Lordrevan Commission: Pokemon Preserve

One reason was that this particular part of the overall wild land was a preserve. it should come as no wonder why it was a preserve.

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Preserving Those Inhabitants of the Dwindling Ice

Originally posted and finished march 2021 preserving those inhabitants of the dwindling ice

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Lordrevan Commission: Pokemon Preserve Part II

Patrick walked into the pokemon preserve, holding a camera, fiddling with it's buttons and accessories. "give me that before you hurt yourself." james said, grabbing the camera from patrick in a swift move. "got a camera pat?"

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