The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 2 - Big Fox on Campus
#3 of the fox of a thousand faces the fox of a thousand faces - part 2 big fox on campus copyright 2008, zelphair/yaminofoxie did all of you crazy furs out there miss me since my last update?
La Curandera III - My Old Self
Hir eyes flew open, shock temporarily paralyzing the rest of hir body, when shi found the big fox's lips pressed against hirs.
Mr. Giving’s Growing Problems
Hunched over a computer that appeared too small for such a big fox, he was content to simply contribute his time, earn his paycheck, and go home. nobody knew much about him.
Ghost wolf puppies
The big fox couldn't hold back any longer, letting out a loud howl as he was hit by a third orgasm.
Tame your teacher ... at home
He sat on the big fox where their penises touched each other. he held both of their cocks in his hand and compared.
The dragon, the fox and the bard
The big fox's belly was rumbling emptily. just then there was a noise at the entrance: elias saw goblins coming in bearing baskets. some of the baskets were full of fish, others fruit.
Drug Use And Cub Abuse - Part 1
The big fox grinned. "he can go fuck himself". jacob relit his pipe and took as much smoke into his lungs as he could hold -- which was a _lot_.
Business Partners
"y-yeah, d-daddy", the big fox stammered. "feels darn good..."
The gnoll and the foxtaur
It'd been a year and a hundred leagues away he'd last seen the big fox, all the way over on the wild coast.
Playful Fiction: Insatiable
The big fox moans, feeling the walls of his urethra grip around his friend and slowly suck him in, stroking the base as his hungry rod slowly envelops his friends legs.
Thank You, Master
All the while, the big fox absentmindedly rubbed the weasel's still-bare ass and patted it affectionately, but didn't spare a glance to the plight he'd inflicted on his boyfriend. "mmfff..."
Hard at Work
The big fox held the match to the wick of an oil lamp ant it burst into a smoky yellow flame.