Private Jacuzzi
The jacuzzi felt homely, as if the room containing it was constructed around it to properly house the decently sized private pool.
jacuzzi bubbles
Looking out of the stall i exited and made my way back to the jacuzzi. i then rested in there getting comfy sadly though i had to go as i was now hungry i guess fucking a cub really makes you want to eat.
You step up to the jacuzzi. ah, the jacuzzi. the sweet, sweet jacuzzi. you take a minute to close your eyes and inhale the subtle scent of chlorine. beautiful.
Lust Pt.III
They walked out the clear glass doors and onto the decking, and finally to the edge of the moonlit jacuzzi. they both sat down with their feet in the water before hayate turned the jacuzzi on.
Shark Week: Submarine Cock
His body was still resting in the jacuzzi. the two shark girls removed themselves from camie's butt. the doctor stood up in the jacuzzi, standing erect like a tower.
Faith ~ Prologue
"The poor dear," said an elderly man, sitting in the corner of a dark room, looking through a one-way mirror at a girl standing nude against a wall. "It doesn't look like she'll qualify tonight. She's shaking like a...
Let's rent a porno!
Loud groans and moans were the first thing I heard this morning; first thing I heard every morning. Feral, and lustful in nature; erotic nearly. The kind of sounds you feel like you could never make. I wake up almost startled by it, despite its...
The day is boring.
Today was boring. Agonizingly boring. Just like it had been yesterday, and just as he had predicted it would be tomorrow, or rather, today. And today again, he predicted, as he did yesterday, that tomorrow would be just as boring. It didn't take...
Thin Contrition
Mrs. Robbins wasn't the type of person to see herself as a victim in anything she did. The tawny fox took responsibility for every action she took, on occasion to a fault, perhaps a byproduct of her desperate need to fit in, to be an adult, to measure...
No Fevered Dream
_Present day_ "I swear that what I'm telling you is true; I'm not just making this up to make you think I'm cool or anything like that. Having a big sister like mine isn't anything like as cool as you think she is. No, no, I get it; she's cool,...
Water park fun! - By Gruffy
Virion declared their ownership of the jacuzzi and bounced in, leaving samael to watch him with a smirk. the white dragon landed with a fun splash and then used his nimble tail to pull on the level to activate the jacuzzi.
Water Park Fun
Virion declared their ownership of the jacuzzi and bounced in, leaving samael to watch him with a smirk. the white dragon landed with a fun splash and then used his nimble tail to pull on the level to activate the jacuzzi.