Jim's Chronicles 12.5: A meeting of the mon's (Side story)
The mimikyu smiled under her costume, "i can be helpful, please sit." renee moved around the kitchen island to give the mimikyu some space, her eyes widen as a dozen of tendrils sprang up from the various shadows.
Pokemon Sun and Moon Vore Tournament: Round One
The participants were greeted by a cheering crowd; a devious persian, an elegant ninetales, a crafty decidueye, an alluring tsareena, a graceful midday lycanroc, a majestic lunala, a mysterious mimikyu, and a friendly drampa.
Pokemon Sun and Moon Vore Tournament: Round 2
The winners, all getting closer to the top spot, are alolan ninetales, decidueye, midday lycanroc, and mimikyu.
[p] The Haunt
When the polteageist pulled out of her, the mimikyu apparently decided it had enough and plunged directly into her snatch. fantina wept from it.
Café Plaisir: Shadow Of Eclipse: Introduction
He turned and slowly padded back towards the kitchens with the mimikyu in tow.
Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Finale
" " **very sorry. not understand.** for a minute there was only silence as prometheus tried to meet the mimikyu's gaze; searching for the barest shred of honesty in the mimikyu's eyes...but honey wouldn't return the stare.
Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 4
That jerked the mimikyu out of their stupor.
Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 3
How in the world did someone as superstitious as you come to adopt mimikyu?" "mimic you?" mary looked perplexed. "that is what hastur is, right? a mimikyu?" "i don't know! i just found them following us through the woods one day."
Dana's Elusive Trick
As for her trainer, she was dressed in a creative mimikyu costume with a silly mask and shadow tendrils for arms to 'scare' all the kids into delighted giggles. it really was an amazing costume for an amazing trainer.
Tsuyoi’s workout
Reminds me of my youngest girl, a cute little mimikyu named kita, always dressed like me, was so cute! and i would never hurt anyone who reminds me of my kids!" kevin wildly gestured to his current position."
Jim's Chronicles 12: Bonding (Luminos City 2)
"level thirty mimikyu, hmm?" jim thought about his option of pokemon and their movesets. the only options were dust. "well i can--" jim reached for his pokeball but renee placed a claw on his shoulder. "gwoar."
DDD Day 9 The Misteria University Winter Castration Festival
Now, his ghost, in the form of a mimikyu, haunts that bathroom. participants are told that their chastity key can be found sitting in the same toilet that pikachu was flushed down.