Son of the Sheriff's Dog

On their right was a row of shelves filled with magical artifacts and books.

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Bonds of the Companion

"so you're just... completely fine with me essentially drugging you, using a magical artifact on you, and then transforming into a dragon before eating delicious sandwiches together?"

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Die Role - Ch 3

Mister chen has never asked me to help figure out one of his magic artifacts before. and besides, you're my friend, and i really want to help you to get this curse dealt with," the feline girl replied.

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Don't Overstay Your Welcome

"the mages are concerned at the ease of which i destroyed the magical artifact." he said as jin looked over his shoulder at the writing.

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Ranoria: As Fates Collide

The imperium had a vast network of 'watchful eyes', constructed magical artifacts, identical to a very large eye, which were placed across the cities of the imperium.

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[COMM] Loona's Selfcest Shenanigans (4750 words)

She knew there was a storage of magical artifacts on one of the lower floors, so surely there would be something there she could use to reverse the effects of the drink. later...

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Secret Enchantments

magical artifacts, strange potions, wands, all common things to be found... but erakir had seen calex once pick up a random stick and somehow turn himself into a mouse with it. erakir was certain the stick had no magical qualities at all...

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 3

Odd magical artifacts are constantly being found and rediscovered, swords that harness the power of the sun to maintain a searing hot blade, adorned silver rods that allow transference of thought across interminable distance, arcane batteries that draw in

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Furry Frozen Flush (4/4)

"and i'm growing more fond of what came with it by the minute, but the thing is i know that with most of these magical artifacts the rumor is that if you don't do anything about your situation it usually becomes permanent.

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Furry Frozen Flush (2/4)

"i thought that magic artifacts disguised as things were urban legends," ari stated as he sat down at the table, shivering once more as he felt the cold wood of the chair against his exposed skin. "anyway, i don't suppose you know how to undo it?

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Champion of the Beast Lands 1

That room in question was filled with books, potions, and all sorts of magical artifacts. but none of them were what he entered the room for. as usual they were left where they always were, practically forgotten.

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Shadow Cradle Chapters 4+5

The only neutral party and the only group which is unlikely to hunt us and place for us to be looked for is the primian tribes of the isk tarvalanak valley, and the steel-thorn mountains have a cache of weaponry, armor, and magical artifacts we can use."

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