Ball Drop

The celebratory mood of the moment was only slightly undercut by the mind-altering agony radiating outwards from his battered nutsac.

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Depose the Dark Wizard Part I (Reader's Choice TF Story!)

Themes and elements that may be in future chapters are: -species change (feral and anthro) -gender shifting (mtf & ftm) -sexual elements -forcedshifting -mind control -mind alteration -impregnation/pregnancy -oviposition -violence warnings as appropriate will

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Lilith: Origin of Succubi - Chapter 3

Was my mind altered to suit my new body or was my new body made to suit my mind? did i have an option or choice in this? did i just forget choosing to be this way or was this just pure coincidence on the part of a horny devil worshipper?

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Orca Sol: Chapter Two - Trees

"unless it turns out like one of those old science-fiction movies where a monster eats the shuttle's engines, or some mind-altering creature takes over your bodies, but ... the chances of that happening are close to none."

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410 Tales Of The Cat Queen

Their reward and what kept them in her slavery was an addictive, mind-altering substance also lost to history, which i won't detail in case it gives young idiots yet another way to kill themselves.

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Dawn of Change Ch3

Unlike adults it seemed, children had their minds altered even further. at least that was what janice had gathered as she checked on her neighbors a few hours ago.

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A Noticeable Improvement

Against his wish, the mind-altering pre made this simple creature pull against his reigns in an attempt to gorge herself on cock. haru grunted but kept his paws tightly on the handles.

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Heroes for Villains - Techno Babble

The new nano enhanced smart fiber would integrate permanently with the superheroes' crotches, leaving them forever bound to the mind-altering pleasure and control of their new master.

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Enter the Madman

He prefered cheap beer over expensive wines, a raggedy jacket instead of a cleanly-pressed suit, a loud, dirty, body-packed party chock-full of sexual ecstasy and illegal mind-altering substances than a clean, chatter-filled, silverware waltzes, ones that

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Trip to Remember

The water bubbled as the mind altering smoke entered the chamber, filling it entirely. scorpiious could feel the tickle and harshness of the smoke, the water doing little to smooth it out.

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Bigger Better Boobies...FOR SCIENCE!

I guess, provided everything worked with the mind-altering, i am now talking to myself. hello. i bet you are so confused right now. well, allow me to make that confusion go away. you see, since i am you i know of all your secrets. your kinks. desires.

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Tale 8-2 - What Harm Could It Do 3

If that was the case, he was too weak from the mind-altering climax to stop her. eventually, his lower lips parted and a pair of panties, as well as a full set of clothes, were pushed out, and that was all.

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