They'll Ride Up With Wear

"yeah, maybe you could put it on top of the shelf," i pointed a paw at an empty holder that held a book about space rockets until i sold it yesterday to some raccoon kid who wanted to be a real astronaut.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 3 - Twinkling bright dots...

We fantasized that we were rich and famous, a celebrity or astronauts going to the moon. and i'd finally shake the hand of the little guy on the moon and invite him over for lemonade and a cookie. hehehe...

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Love Lost, Chapter 2b: Mirages, concluded.

He walked into his living room to discover his son asleep on the sofa, no longer able to pay due attention to the program that he had tuned the television to, which apparently featured an astronaut and three vividly-colored robots.

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At Face Value

I was smiling so brightly there, probably because of the natural tendency for cubs to feel like smiling when face to face with members of cool professions, such an astronaut, an airline pilot, a firefur or a police officer.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 6 - The sense of freedom...

'all astronauts talk in outer space!' 'that's because their wearing suits with radios! there's no wind, no air, nothing.

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Untitled Rough Draft, Part 2

Gray with the usual markings - serial numbers, warning signs on the parts that weren't safe to stand near, and the name in huge block letters along the side - but had other colors added here and there, and a large portrait behind the cockpit section of the astronaut

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The Model - Chapter Eleven

"it's about a stripper from reno who gets mistaken for an astronaut and goes into space," justin replied. "it's hilarious." "like, so funny," charlene added. "well, whatever the fuck it is i don't care, just so long as people pay to watch it.

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"actually, i'm just a simple astronaut," keith replied humbly. " astronaut who has had his world turned completely upside-down." he stole a glance over to lumina, who smiled warmly. "i never would've guessed.

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Of His Flesh the Mystery Sing

Tom's condemnation is as quaint as flat earth preachers are to an astronaut. and yet st. tom, for all his silly conflation of is and ought, had something we do not.

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Kazufox Interview #6

# ~the t.v. shows kazufox moonwalking on the moon~ \*astronaut\*: houston, we have a problem. \*jolteon\*: how does he- \*kazufox\*: (pops up from behind) hello! \*jolteon\*: ah! where'd you come from? \*kazufox\*: from my mommy and daddy.

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The Explorer: Introduction

He always dreamed of being an astronaut, but when he was old enough to understand that the human race hadn't even explored its nearest planet, he got a little...upset.

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And Beyond

Almost everything was run automatically, but there were a few important jobs still left to the intrepid astronauts. there'd been four unmanned scouts sent already, but someone had to go through eventually. and now here they were. someone.

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