Half-Blood Chapter XI

Called me... a changeling. what is a changeling?" he asked quietly. greg looked towards the boy in shock, "you don't know what you are do you?" the tiger asked him calmly. the fox boy only shook his head.

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Customized by the Hive 3

There were no changeling drones to be seen or heard, either. "where's the others?" she asked. "twilight and them?" "they're leading the changelings on a merry chase so that we can get out.

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My Little Pony: To Love a Queen ch.1

"seems the changelings are coming back," "changelings?" another voice, also female asked with a puzzle like voice.

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The Diaper Boys of Droaam: Chapter One

In his naïveté, the bard forgot the proverb that every changeling child is taught: "beware the gifts of the traveler...

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Changeling Heart: Non-Blood Family

"a knighted changeling, from an alicorn?" "just proves that not all changelings are evil or bad like cocoon."

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The Graveyard Academy world overview/dictionary

G - ghost: an earth bond spirit with no magic and if they enter a grave yard they can never leave. - grave digger: a type of changeling that was brought back to life by their angle of death because it was not there destined time.


Changeling Heart: Day Three

"i believe that you are a good changeling, so i will fight to prove it."

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Friendship is Hunted: Plan of Attack

It'll save us some time and a thousand cooked alive changelings!" she shrieked, all of the changelings immediately ripping the ship to pieces, entire chunks being quickly ripped off.

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05 - The Song of the Badger

The family of man and the family of changelings drew closer as the song of the changelings filled the humans' hearts. oliver sat transfixed, listening to the song of the changelings. his eyes closed and his smile was calm.

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Antecedent 6

The intrinsic bond we share as changelings was severed. perhaps you have felt it yourself? the little tug you feel when another changeling in close... either way, that bond was no longer permeable to changelings.

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