Tik Tik and Baze: An Unwanted Rescue

Tik tik squirms inside the cocoon, whimpering and trying to pull herself away from the webbing. "you don't understand!" she whines. "my book is back there, and if i lose it, my whole tribe is doomed!" baze lifts her head at that one. "book?

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Chapter 4: Why Men Don't Go West

A hole opened in kale's cocoon the next day, and pink mist poured out, filling the tent. more holes opened before kale reached out and ripped the hole wider.

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Halloween in Rubber City

"well, after that, i'll be pumping a thick rubber into your tight little cocoon, furthering your immobilization."

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Chapter 8: Fate of the Fallen

Except for a hard outer shell the entire cocoon was now filled with a dark, gooey mess and somehow he knew that it was him and that the worst was yet to come.

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A Warriors Tale Part 6

You did a good job in cocooning me, and now i am curious to see what you are going to do with me."

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Venom, Episode 5

I've never heard of a sister changing within a cocoon before. but it gives us a delightful opportunity, to fulfill desires and fantasies that would be difficult to act upon in the real world."

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 17

The protective cocoon, for want of a better term for it, that sat by the chevron popped open soundlessly dropping the occupant to the ground.


'Munkshakes, Or: A Different Kind of Chipmunk Adventure

Hanging from the enormous, ancient-looking tree were glowing yellowish orbs that looked like sacs of cocoons of some sort. but for what? alvin didn't know. science was simon's department, and he wasn't here.

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FRIDAY: A Metamor Keep Story

Now he understood why giles tried to get at the cocoon. "giles.. . i am so sorry... we can't stay here." giles sat on his hind end like a dog and stared at the cocoon. "baaaaaa. .. did you know i was happily married? baaaaa? that i have... had two kids?

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Biohazard Containment Protocols (3/5)

The tentacles that had completely engulfed the man slowly receded to reveal him in a fleshy purple cocoon with a sizable bulge between his legs.

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The Rubber

The cocoon softened as a figure started to stretch out from the blob, and few moments passed as it tried to force its way out. outlines of hands fleshed out and the latex cocoon spitted open as the figures claws met with the latex lining.

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