The Great Cookie Caper

Jumping out of the crib made my diaper slosh forward i hopped out of the crib, blushing a bit as i felt the weight of my sodden padding sloshing down as i came to an abrupt stop.

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Jade's Story part 2

Suddenly archer awoke to crying, he made his way to jade's crib and lifted the kitten from his crib and jade looked up at him "can i sweep wif you?" jade asked, sniffling.

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Just An Average Night

With the tune of _twinkle, twinkle, little star_ in the background, the lion raised the bar of the crib up. it clicked locked into place.

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The Three Bears

She reached into the crib and lifted him out. "hey, thanks. i'm sorry for breaking in and all." the bear did not seem to hear him.

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Warm Hearts, Padded Tails: Chapter 6

He stood back up, pulling the crib bars to the top and latching it into place, walking back to the door.

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2593, Chapter 18

Thomas and terrence were the last in their cribs, and continued babbling at each other.

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Cadance's Crinkle Care Part 1

"i don't wanna sleep in a crib..." he blushed as he said the word 'crib'. "no buts, leaky pants. up in your bed now!" i gave him a firmer look. he knew what that meant and reluctantly waddled over to the empty crib.

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Adam and Neil 7: The Big Bro

After all, its only about three in the morning, and we can't have you super tired tomorrow," neil whispered quietly as he led adam along and back into the bedroom with the crib in it. adam could see terry was still laying in the crib.

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Spider House

Instead of bringing her over to the crib, ms. charlotte carried her over to a corner of the crib, where a rocking chair sat.

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Calm Waters

Holiday had installed a roof made of wooden bars a few months before since the puppy was getting too big for the crib. it was more of a cage than a crib now. roxie wailed and screamed and kicked and hollered as he did every morning.

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Chapter XIII: Ask Us To Do Anything

With soothing feelings washing over his body, it wasn't long before the shepherd, too, fell asleep - even with a puppy nearly twice his size sharing the crib.

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Spoils Go to the Victorian

Does my little boy need anything else before i put you back in your crib?" "binky!" kevin cried with a childlike wonder, allowing the tiger to set him down on the crib.

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