The Dark Descent Chapter 15
She didn't see how hilda was injured, she was too busy fighting at the time. she did however notice a piece of her short sword nearby.
Dragon's Legend CH1 ~ Flight of a Winglesss Dragon
She breathed out weakly as the wolf carried her, holding the cotton top tighter to her wounds.
Conning the Arena 7
Tags: m/m, fingering, nudity, size difference, blackmail, golden retriever, mouse, rat, polar bear, giraffe, raptor, serious injury, series, dark, sex for safety,
David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.38 - An Evolutionary Battle Pt.2)
The trainer thought while having a pang of worry building up once seeing his mate hurt. never in his life were he could feel so much worry before up until now.
The Jedi Guard Preview
I've not done anything to hurt him and i don't plan on starting now. " slowly the cub moved and layed down by his brother with tears in his eyes, as luke injected the bacta intotaka's forepaw. "he needs rest." luke said as he picked the injured cub up.
Final Approach (A1, B11, C19)
He turned to rufus and said, "does ... does that hurt?" rue looked down. the pain didn't start until he saw the injury.
Ascending in Reverse (book7, Chapter3)
Dazed and confused, eric shoved the door away from himself, having narrowly avoided injury. he pocketed the lucky crayon without thinking about it and turned back towards the foyer.
Universe of Conflict Chapter Five
Being pulled up from the ground by a dark blue hand; she was bloody; bruised and injured in the 10 seconds she was in the mob. "you are getting to nosey, you did not see anything here, if you say anything?
**ARRIVAL** By David Wishart 3rd March 2330 Chakona. Amistad Space Station. The Star-liner McManus pulled out of hyperspace and slowed down into a planetary orbit, the passengers all looked out of their portal...
Stephillum replied, backing up and placing hir hand on the wounds and used hir ability to heal hirself. soon, there was no evidence of the brutal attack, aside from morgan's bloody claws and the blood smear on stephillum's fur.
I'll never hurt, as long as i live. i will protect you and love you." shi purred, nuzzling him again, with which he nuzzled back and smiled, then started kissing hir deeply, holding hir close.
The Alchemist's Assistant Part 5
With his chest laid bare, he cast his eye over any puncture wounds, even turning him onto his side to make sure the foul beast hadn't masked the hole somehow. "oh, did he wound him down there?"