Breeding a Future - Chapter 7

He kept his magic just within reach as tensions rose within the shelter, sharptalon's cronies joining him in circling celeste.

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Breeding a Future: Chapter 7

He kept his magic just within reach as tensions rose within the shelter, sharptalon's cronies joining him in circling celeste.

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We Interrupt This Program - SHORT STORY

Please report immediately to the emergency shelter beneath the school. repeat, report immediately to the underground shelter beneath the school. this is not a drill. a nuclear attack is underway."

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First Steps

Gonna need to either find a more permanent shelter or build one, and i really don't wanna bust my ass trying to build a house. i took some time to get my tarp shelter set back up, and i tried to be a bit more careful about it than i was last night.

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The Merrin, part 15

Before too long, he's back at his shelter, and lands the pod along side the first, butting the door of the pod to the wall of the shelter. "initiate seal with shelter, and open the wall. slave the system."

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Friend and Slave Chapter 6 - Monsters

A loud yelp resounds through the shelter and nicas grasps desperately into the darker corner of the shelter where he knew the toothpick to have been left the night before.

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Chapter 1: Right place, wrong time.

With the choice being staying in the pouring rain waiting for rescue, or seeking shelter nearby, the decision was easy. shelter first, and then think about getting home when the weather cleared.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Forty

That was why they sheltered. father said such storms were the result of those who came before, those whose ruins their tribe shaped into shelters.

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The Wolf of Castle Blackpaw: Part I

This couldn't be it, he was here, and shelter was inside! he needed to get inside!

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