On the Path of Discovery: Chapter 2- The Weekend Part 1

"i can only stay till saturday afternoon because i have to go my parents party saturday night and help out on sunday with clean up." katrina looked upset as she said this, justin and i went silent.

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Pawford, Ch1: Starting Fresh

I insisted, "you're working on a sunday. you came to my rescue. you fixed my car. you've been more than kind about dealing with my traveler's-brain comments.

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Alpha Bitch - Ch 05

My daughter and i have plans for sunday morning," laurie said hesitantly. "i am aware of that. do your task as required saturday night and early sunday, and you will be released in plenty of time to be with your daughter sunday morning.

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 1: Two Valleys

Today was sunday. like just about everyone else in the hollow, flynn's father was deeply religious.

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

It should be noted that unlike the previous u.s. presidential inaugurations, which moved the date to january 21st if january 20th scheduled on a sunday, inauguration day occurs on a sunday regardless.

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

And when the date lands on a thursday, saturday or a sunday, i don't get in trouble. but when the month starts with a sunday, i can already see the cogs turning in people's heads. in case you weren't aware by now, i am a black cat.

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Too Important to be Forgotten

"sunday... wait, sunday? no!" "what's wrong? did you forget something?" tenner squeezed copper's paw gently, trying to reassure the now perspiring wolf.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 22

As a result, most of each sunday found him at the mansion, with only sarina and the household staff for company. and the staff went to the evening church service, leaving the two of them alone.

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Brace for Impact Ch.3

He replied, "no problem, we gotta look out for each other, and we'll take them down for good in our match on sunday." he shook my hand and raised it in the air.

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Out After Curfew (QCP: BG-Eps03)

"actually, i don't work on sunday. plus my union would dock my pay if i robbed a bank or tried to destroy superman with kryptonite on a sunday. i don't recall seeing you around here before.

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Cutting it Close-House Call

"hey krystal i was wondering if you wanted to come over sunday? i'll have the house to myself for the night." dusk said in a soft voice.

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Olivia's Rebellious Year-Part 1-Birthday Presents

Sometimes, on sundays, if mother couldn't go to church for any reason on sundays, my dad would "take me." we never went. we went to the zoo one day, and to the beach another sunday. he doesn't do it anymore, though.

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