A simple story III : Part 4

Loud country music was coming out. he noticed the strong musky smell of the place, something that allowed him to differentiate the place from a classic bar. fred walked alongside, avoiding his gaze. « perez, eh ? " fred sneered.

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Clopper's Journey -- Chapter 4

Sometime passed as ranch life continued on around the bound ponies, soft country music playing quietly overhead as the young men let their imaginations wander as they tried to pass the time before lights-out.

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Meaner Pastures

"under no circumstances should you ever play country music in my presence." "oh, thank god. we're going to get along so well. i'll get out of your way and let you get to it then. next time i see you, you'll be a whole 'nother species!"

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An Appalachian Christmas Gamble

Ever since we met by chance at a country music festival near the virginia/west virginia border, that beautiful, sweet, blue-eyed doe had been the apple of my blond eye.

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The Merit Badge I Never Earned

It beeped twice before the stereo cut in, a blaring country music tape with a lot of bass. and i mean a lot of bass. right away i knew what austin had wanted to show me, because i could feel it between my legs quite well.

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My Wonderful Little Sister- Rush Hour

"god, does everyone talk like country music star down here?" scott whispered to me. "we're in the heart of the south, boston, get used to it," i replied while noticing him pick at his left hand. "what's wrong with your paw?"

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Service For One - Commissioned Work

His voice had a bit of a southern twang to it, like all of those singers austin avoided on the country music stations on the radio. the voice belonged to a rather well-built looking bull, who was wearing only a tank top and some basketball shorts.

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Prelude to Madness

If there's one thing i hate more than having no chaos going on, besides ink rain...and country music...it's being ignored." huh? there's a game going on i wasn't told about?!

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #13 (Adult)

Some kind of country music was playing at a jukebox, and the bartender turned to give us her biggest smile. i felt like i was about to cry. "hello, there!"

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It was playing homey country music, fitting for the wide open range for which he was traversing. the song was lowly and rough, a gritty aesthetic that surprised him. he was used to the shallower music of pop stars, but this spoke to him.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 15

Take care's ears perked up as she heard what sounded like quiet country music playing out of a speaker nearby, probably being played from indy's heartphone. take care and indy sat down at opposite ends of the table and served themselves.


"Call it What You Need"

There was classic country music playing on a jukebox somewhere off in the back area, the building otherwise quiet.

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