United Through Two Worlds Chapter 18

The old woman looked over the two, curiosity in her aged face.

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The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 25

Annabelle took note of her entrance, and stood back from the motor of the old girl that she had been polishing up.


Rocketing Around the Galaxy 2

There was a moment of silence, followed by a giggle as an elderly woman walked over to the window. she was wrinkled, her hair in disarray.

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Winburn Part 1: Civil Service

She'll tell you what you need to know," she said while gesturing to the old woman. the old woman sighed before talking to cuthbert in a cold voice, "we need you to perform two jobs for the good of the kingdom.

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Prologue/Chapter 1

Helen swallowed some, finding the old woman making her edgy for some reason. she sighed softly and started relating the events that led up to her passing out in the tunnel, the old woman simply listening with a passive, almost bored look.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 22

"for now," the old woman said, laying down another card, "we take a bit of a break while we strategize...

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Et Vos

The old woman has gray hair and wrinkly old skin. anna can see her deep crow's feet from here. but the old woman has a kind smile on her face as she comes towards the front, so she seems nice enough.

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TS: Chapter 3

The old woman picked up where her husband had left off. "there was a war amongst the gods." she explained. "it threatened to wipe out this entire planet.

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Lessons Learned

The old woman had said that sun rise would see them as men or filth, so she had until sunrise to find her and get her to change her back.

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The Coin v2

Sit and talk with an old woman." "i... what do you want to know?" the old woman made an ambiguous hand gesture while her sharp teeth bit into the thick sandwich. kelly swallowed and continued. "okay.

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Story of Sheik: Sheikah bloodlines

You wouldn't be aware but impa left to take care of a demon in lanayru two weeks ago." the old woman said smugly.

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