Kale: Wizardborn Newcomer Dormitory

He has journeyed far from his former prison and has found refuge in the wizardborn newcomer dormitory, a commune meant to help former-humans and earth-migrants stuck in this scary new world.

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A Backyard Visitor 3: A New Garden Friend

Naked as the day he was born, liam sighed contentedly, reveling in the peace and serenity of his private oasis as he communed with nature.

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First Stalked

Bats were never seen on this commune and they would not normally be seen outside their families. known for their spiritual beliefs, the breed took to more philosophical approach to life than most breeds.

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The Will of the Water(story excerpt)

I'm no fit to commune with the water spirit when my body can't even handle the waist deep waters." she didn't say anything. she didn't even smile, or grin, or smirk.

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And We Shall Walk in the Sunshine

After her father moved his close knit family down into this valley, other lone wolves, like lerange, merged with his pack to form a small, tenuous commune.

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Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

Some damn tourist communing with nature or something." she showed the deputy her finds. "wallet here in the pants." "daniel plover," the deputy said, looking at the id. "hope he's frost proof." the deputy looked up toward the snowy ridge.

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Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 5)

He went to his servants' chamber and communed with them. when giada returned the next day, she had a little parcel in her hands. one of alaric's servants led her once more to the main chamber.

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Never An Absolution - Character Biographies

He put aside his knightly training and become a worthy addition to their commune. two years later, he was democratically elected their leader, and he held this position ever since.

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The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall - Vol. 4 of 4

Swims-with-wolves returned from her latest communing with the hist to see her lover sitting dejected on their nest-bed. a pensive hush had fallen over the fox, ears down, tail curled tight against him.

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#2 of xerian commune second part to this series, still no editing, but i have plenty of ideas for this one. jenny pulled herself into the tent and rolled over onto her sleeping bag.

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A Werewolf in Lewisham - 1, ??? Anonymous

Although they did live in a hippy commune when they were younger, which explains a lot of things about them but not why their son has a tendency to turn into a wolf-like creature with a penchant for running around at night and killing things.

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How We Survive: Arc 2: Chapter 1 W.I.P.

Rather that was the futon at home, the squatter commune downtown, or ex-lover's houses. yes, the fox who doesn't believe in love still has his string of romances, or lack thereof.

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