Brave New World Chapter 1: My Night with Miss Rose

I had started out with practiced, conscientious motions, but by this point, it had devolved into wild kisses, lewd slurping sounds and ravenous, wild exploration by my tongue. that gentle little flow of erotic juice was not so gentle anymore.

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Familiar (Part 1)

That had to be 'yew,' the conscientious, if ineffective, objector, and i had to assume that i was the 'little girl' in question. "no, it wouldn't. and we won't be. we'll just be leaving with a gift. now, sisters, your own gifts?"

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The Queer Case of Dr. Stevens; or, The Abominable Mr. Hardy

Even such a conscientious, prudish do-gooder as my inestimable cousin jacqueline has her own mysteries and secrets. oh, you'd be surprised if you knew some of the things i know about her..."

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Addiction - Chapter Twenty: The Point of no Return (Illustrated)

I tucked his ears under his beanie and made sure he was snug in his outfit, performing a little maternal ritual i had to learn by watching other mothers send their children off to school rather than direct experience of conscientious mothering.

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My Lovely Boys (Sequel to "Emerald Widow")

He was much more conscientious of his appearance, he wore tight clothes and just had a more girlish personality, if that makes any sense. i didn't mind, of course. i believe that anyone should be who they want to be if it makes them happy.

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Lexi: Cats and Rabbits

She added conscientiously. "it was a compliment, not a come on, dear." lexi informed her. bellany made a quiet sound of resignation, and set the brush down on the bed.

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One They Fear

Perhaps whatever he was trying to say made him conscientious of it. still, he tried not to watch, out of respect for the dovahkiin's modesty. "you what?" "i think... you're right," he admitted, his tail curling a bit.

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The Finland Express - Part 1 - Rendezvous In Murmansk

A conscientious officer, he had reported himself, which brought him to the attention of w. w had grown the academy, as it was referred to by its members, from a few agents into a multi-faceted organization.

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GuyThreepwood Commission: Conflict pt.2

Had he been a little more careful with his words....more courteous to allen and conscientious of his situation and feelings. a little less pig headed about apologizing and more proactive about making his mate feel better.

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What Color is Your Dildo?

It was a small gesture, as with many other things, but the smallest acts of kindness and conscientiousness often had the biggest of hearts behind them and spoke volumes upon the character of another that could be considered so thoughtful in rendering such

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Taking His First Massive Cock

A less adventurous (or, phrased another way, a more safety conscientious) cat wouldn't have gone near the guy. sexual promiscuity certainly had its dangers, and there were plenty of horror tales to go around. and silver was awfully small, and weak.

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