Apocalypse, Ch. 1

One icon was a document. i clicked that one. a window opened full of document icons with a search bar on top. i touched the first document. it opened into an article labeled "di-genetics and the future". i started reading.

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Jenna's Pouches

No viruses. \*\* note from [luminous](https://luminious.sofurry.com/) \*\* i apologize for the weird format on this particular document. i'm not sure how that happened.

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The Forgotten Experiment: Truth and Lies (part 1)

Then a list of documents came up on a list, similiar to the style that the notes were in. he selected the top document on the list. once again the list closed focusing on that topic. however this time a newspaper-like page came up.

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The Valley of Red

Though they do not document the lives of great kings or politicians, they keep a record of the everyman. common stories of struggle and victory. they keep these documents not in a grand building, but in packs that hug their backsides.

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[Public Release Document] Micklen Trygonic logs: incident #32986 (Work in progress)

Resemblance to real events, past, present or future is completely coincidental and any real person mentioned in this work, alive or deceased is completely coincidental as well, graphic details may occur in this work, reader discretion is advised) documentation

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Weird Writings

Mark closed the document after saving it as 'crazy cat writing' and then uploaded it without so much as a glance at the document itself. surely, luna couldn't have written anything 'that' upsetting. after all, he was just a feral kitty.

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Battle on planet Traquil Chapter: 2, the factory.

He said with a smerk giveing the document back to powell. powell took the document and ran back to tell the others. tone retreated back to one of the rooms back in the bunker.

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Paradox - Chapter 2

Tell me the events of the general that leaves up to a point, then recall back to when he leaves to document the scouting," said elementius.

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Crossing Roads 1.2- The Price Of Order 1.1

The secretary at the police station mumbled as he was writing up the documentation for the criminal's profile.

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Weary Wolf

A sigh pushed past jack's lips, and he closed the document. no writing once again. he worked, he went out, he did things he enjoyed, but it still felt like life was passing him by.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 42: Intoxicated

He just huffed and agreed, and texted richard asking if he could deliver the document instead. the hyena agreed, but he had time at 21, so octo could only wait.

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After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]

The scraggy was about to reach for the document but the charizard pulled back before he could. "i will give you this document if i find that the information you have is actually important." the charizard added.

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