
A flash of my eyes seemed to be all she needed and she smiled as i looked back to the other scouts playing in the sandbox.

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Out In The Country

A few short days ago, the rabbit had gotten notice that he was due for another deployment in the sandbox. ever since then he hadn't been able to get a damn bit of sleep, and even chasing sleeping pills with whiskey only gave him a few hours of peace.

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Disorderly Conduct

"that was the sandbox for the holy mother kindergarten! some cubs are gonna eat that sand, hell, i've got two myself, i know these things!" "uuuuuh, daddy dog!" the orca giggled again, obviously drunkenly.

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New Arrangements

He flopped down in the sandbox, idly playing with the sand with his toe. he then started making the largest sand castle ever. it grew so large that he could wander through the halls and look out the windows.

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Seeker's Tale Part 40

Even the mightiest of warriors can be taken down by a child and when you get down to it even gods are nothing more than the big kid in the sandbox."

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Tales from Anthracite City 5: Welcome to Anthracite City part 3

Suffice to say, power armor mercenaries and overgrown sandbox bullies with skin resistant to small arms fire weren't the only reasons why survivors packed elephant guns and large caliber handguns.

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Man's Best Friend

At the highest point in the park stood a playground with a large sandbox underneath it. benches stood within twenty feet, a reasonable distance for parents to supervise their children without interfering in their games of innocence.

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Hating your own element part two

She had dug under the sandbox and found clay. she nearly broke the muzzle and it was a long bath. she was pulled out and wrapped in a towel to dry her. she was shown and hated it this time. she was thinking of her need to reproduce.

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The Devil May Care 45

This was his stage to enjoy, his sandbox to play with. there was nothing here for ambitious mortals, nothing for them to gain. they would finally bow, or they would...

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Another Outing?

A crimson-filled sandbox, some worn and splintering benches, and even a dented swing set that little demons could be seen playing on at all times. all in all, hell was rather boring.

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Past Regrets (Book6,Chapter15)

Let humans have fun in their historical sandboxes. i knew you'd come from turkey and be brooding." "_i'm_ brooding?" "yes. you always stick your nose into archeological digs and watch, and reminisce."

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Where's the Cook?

._ michelle took the chance to visit the sandbox to pee, the cool breath of the swamp cooler washing over me as i watched her leave, my butt taking its favorite spot on the bench.

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