Angels and Dragons ch3

Angelo defended himself as best as he could, he locked blades with nelo but pushed him back quickly and slashed cutting is arm open "graaaaa" nelo screamed and dropped his sword and held onto his cut "this isn't over" he said "i'll kill you traitor just you

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Ch.5. The Herd.

I can only close my eyes now and think happy traitor! my cock is hardening.... \*\* i felt my cock harden. i could hear whispers come from the other students. people were watching me.

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Paws of Fire: Tiger in Town - Chapter 6

Uraku made sure that was shattered with the tigers word, 'traitor!'. they were walking again, slower than before as they approached the edge of the forest.

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Commission for Lortian - 'Shooting' the Messenger

Way too good an ass to release, so i did what crooks like me do best, i played the crowd, now i'm a hero, and your my traitor turned slave.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 16: an Unlikely Rescue

After all, why would anyone with access to the prison want to set a traitor free? tuck came upon a sleeping guard at the entrance to the holding cells.

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A Patient Death 05: Kingmakers

Claude morgan was many, many,_many_ things but a traitor was certainly not one of them.

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Of Fox and Wolf Chapter 6: Knautia

"you damn traitor!" shouted the sergeant. wearing plate armor usually brought him confidence whenever he went into battle.

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The Meeting

You traitor!" kit growled. "traitor?" rune asked. "is this how you view your friends, as traitors?" kit felt really out numbered against the two. he didn't know what to do. if it was any other wolf, then he would have attacked.

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Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1

"ladies and gentleman, people of barsanan, we are here to witness the execution of three traitors, traitors who conspired against king aldorik.

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Chapter 33 – Dr Jekyll then run and hide.

That's another load of problems there with the fact that i'm going to need to do something about the traitor in the pack.

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A Conflict of Minds

traitor?" "if i am a traitor, it is because i claimed a loyalty, not because one was sworn over me at birth. i am no traitor, for i don't--" "--view us as human." "yes.

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