Ghostbusters: Regenesis 04 - Into the Mire
Seth said, hanging up the phone before he slammed his hand on the firehouse alarm. \*\*\*\* everything for the business meeting was shaping up.
A New Humiliation (Starring Pebble)
The first night had been an interruption of a rather important business meeting, something that took a special kind of confidence to interrupt. if he were to call the lion, he doubted that pebble would listen and stay away if he requested it.
Alley Cat: Chapter 1
The man looked over to his briefcase, sitting next to the bed and responded, "oh, i'm on a business meeting. needed a place to stay for a while and my friend was going to be out of town, so it all worked out."
Finish the Story (Valentine's Day)
I heard that the business meeting yesterday went like shit..." danni said softly, reveling in the feel of warmth inside the house. "oh, don't even mention that...
Good Vibrations
The master of the house had gone to town for the day to a business meeting with some of his investors in the city.
Ocean Depths part 22
"this is a business meeting. we'll be in and out." lucas heard the male's voice on the other end say something along the lines of that's what she said.
Hirsune Pt. 9 - Somewhere out There
He knew this was a business meeting, but his hirsune instincts were perturbed at this blatant display of rejection from the elder, who continued to ignore his presence as a sexual being.
Qest Primal - Chapter 24: The Ones Who Will Win This Fight
"sorry, i was kind of forced into a business meeting." he explained, "some other handlers wanted to meet with me and there was no way for me to turn them down." he watched brook's expression carefully, looking for any signs of her mood worsening.
She even attempted to do some lip reading through the glass wall of a business meeting but she was pretty sure they were on to her. she wasn't reading their lips well anyway- unless the meeting really was about a pumpkin toss.
I'm not ashamed to say I badly need a friend...
"i interrupted some guy's business meeting..." he laughed and shook his head, setting the clipboard down. "it's not the worst you could've found, trust me. so there's no problem then?" "no, sir. i mean, at least, none i didn't cause."
A Night in Hyperspace
But in the last few shipments his compatriots had been busy, meetings and training took them, resulting in a pent-up sangheli trying his hardest to not keep a clear head.
Something in the Water Part 3
They have a business meeting they have to stay for tomorrow." frankly, the teen was glad that he was being given more independence as he loved the responsibility. "did you ask if you could stay over?"