Peanut's New Life
Nick whimpered and lowered his ears submissively as he heard james snort loudly at the mention of his new name. he raised his left hand for toby, and felt the mitten cover and trap his hand in a fist within seconds.
Red Leather Collar
The "new name" area was left blank, did that mean i got to keep my current name? i was going to ask when i noticed 'breed' had 'mutt' selected. not really a term we favored.
Fates of the Unicorns 12 - Morning Offers
"you need a new name. lets see... balless? no-balls? hmmm, no. ahh... girl. i like that. but not quite it. i know.. girly. that will do nicely." he shuddered, still shocked by the loss and nodded glumly at the new name. girly.
The Rainbow Patriot - Chapter 2: A Rainbow Revolution
He was given a new name; they claimed that he was jesus christ, their lord and savior, in the form of an avian. while the eagle appreciated the new name, he explained that he was a different god from another place.
Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 11: Security Monitors
"dog, new, name, cody," as he wiped his face. "oh, ee." "name: cody" appeared below the monitor's display. obviously the voice recognition was quite good. there were several levels of security associated with other people.
Shade & Luna Chapter 1: Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle
"t-that's your new name, shade..." luna murmured, as she padded over to her bed. "i wish i could stay for longer, but i'll be late for work if i do. you two play nice, now." red interjected.
A furry world - Part 13
"i saw getting a new name as the last part of accepting the new me" shi said the insides of hir ears turning pink "luckily since lots of anthros changed their names it had become a lot easier to do that.
tigers on the brain part 10 next Dragon's Age
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so there you go, new addition, new name, and new character. comments would be nice.
Inside>Out! Ch4 A New Start Pt3 - The Setting Sun
But now i will go by a new name. but...what should that name be?" "ryuzaki...\*sniffle\*...i like ryuzaki." iwako glanced at shinta, surprised that she had been the first to offer advice.
Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 5
That's a new name." "myco," growled oaky, "the only toad in the whole settlement with worse bumps than me. he's a skinny, shifty-eyed, burble-tongued... grrr... but he gets my friend ripple, cause of some dumb necklace.
Making Bears pt 4
"i guess i need a new name then" anna said finally and all three burst into deep rumbling laughter. though they did not say it they could all sense each others happiness. whatever had happened they were linked now, three bears together.
Rat Tale Ch.3 The Procedure
Parker- sure i typed in the new name , and that only left us with three steps.