Pin and paper part 1

I was happy with my creation and felt it was a good representation of my feeling. i wanted to keep adding to the image but just as i was about to start working on the background donita called me into the kitchen. she made an early dinner.

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The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1

That is, what is the physical representations? well, as i have all ready stated, we are structurally built like humans, but with noted exceptions. we are covered in fur, we have tails, and our heads resemble those of our canine cousins.

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Concerning Flight

Rakim began to look for positive representations of bats in the media and found vanishingly few.

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Pretty toy chap 5: The purity of carnage. The divinity of death. The arousal of the slaughter

The wolf stared at the gore and blood covered wall and found him self amused in the thought that the gore and blood seemed to make a painting of all he had done in his life, a true representation of what he lived for which was pure carnage.

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The Adventures of Ognimod, chapter 1

"furry" is a term applied by certain people, whom i'd rather not describe at the time, to representations of animals in which they possess human traits.

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 11

You need to set each of your elemental tokens at each of the appropriate physical representations. air, just set on the grass as it's all around us." i nodded softly, opening the pouch at my waist and drawing out my four tokens.

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Erik stood up and a vision of an ax spattered with blood and mosquitoes came in place, along with a psychotic representation of erik "toshio? toshio!"

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #4 - Orange and Lime

Further inquiries with the staff at the gershwin theatre confirmed she does not have an agent for acting either, and she's been chided by other actors for lack of representation. hearing ms.

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Razgriz: The Legend

While the government expanded into an effective system of representation and legislation, the old habits of a people used to central rule became interestingly twisted.

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42 (DSV Nautica) Infinity

"the universes knowledge is so large, it becomes representable by nothing at all. there is simply too much, aki. that's why you see nothing. what could represent the vastness of knowledge?"point for her again. at least it was making sense.

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The Inquisition

If that scream was a true representation of what the serval could do to a woman... then _goddamn_, they had a **lot** more questions to pose to their housemate. by jeeves ~ 1,705 words

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Born of Chaos Ch. 5

Her mane is actually a physical representation of her magic." she turned and walked into her room, jumping onto her bed before she continued explaining. "you see," she used her magic to take off her crown as discord sat down next to her.

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