Tribe Chapter 2

She grabbed a coarsely embroidered blanket and set about cleaning the salve from his cock.

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To the Ends of the Earth

His paws rubbed it in gently, slowly spreading the healing salve, at the same time, feeling how wonderfully soft sen's fur was. albine watched as he continued to rub sen's side. "feeling any better?"

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Mistletoe Chapter 2, A Reward

Loki flicked the bottom of the pouch, "a salve of mistletoe to smear on any weapon or tool of your choice." holdr's ears flicked in thought fingers feeling over the items he had been given.

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Direza's Trials

A quick knot to prevent bleeding, a dab of healing salve, and back inside they went - after which the incisions themselves were deftly sewn shut and slathered in more salve, slicking down the surrounding fur.

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Eyes like the Forest (4)

At a loss, the traveler didn't know what to say, but he knew the pain of losing someone, and he knew how healing the salve of company can be. "... i can't buy you another ox, not that it would replace her.

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The Tales of Zachi and Ryan Ch.1, An Encounter of a Lifetime (Unrevised)

That is a side effect of my salve, it always makes you tired. you rest, and when you wake up, i will have supper ready." he said as i watched him walk out. i then drifted off, and started to have a nightmare...

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The Contract (Chapter 1)

You can call me husky, but my salve calls me master." husky says as he offers his paw for a hand shake. "i am the writer," he replies as he grabs husky's paw and returned husky's hand shake.

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Slave 5

"salve... you will hurt for a while, but nothing permanent.." i teased his very red cock-tip softly. "still sure you want to take the position on?"

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The Beginning - Sebastian Swift

No sleeping drugs or hypnotic salves of course, just things that get the blood flowing in a more southerly direction. the two women fell over themselves to rush to my bed chambers when i dropped the hint.

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Ch 1 Piercing the Swordsman

"oh no, no, no, chamile has a very good moisturizing and binding salve to prevent that," the big cat went on cheerily about his head sorceress. "there . . . might actually be some magic involved in it? you know i never thought to ask.

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A Long, Dark road (part 2)

"we do," varg said, rubbing salve over the shredded edge of one of his massive wings, "but the undead aren't a normal army." "how so?"

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