Not All Otters Like Christmas
Christmas isn't just about retail businesses meeting their fiscal year projections. christmas is about spending time with people! it's amazing... in less than twenty-four hours, i've undergone a complete character transformation!"
Jackie Assists
Of course it was a business meeting. those seemed to be happening frequently these days, and one or another of desire's toys were involved, to make relations better and help the other party feel like they were getting a great deal.
Equine Subservience
It was as if he were conducting a business meeting. matt took his shot and drank it again, maybe the hallucination will go away with a few shots. "i'm matt" "i am barlen, barlen silver-hoof." "barlen? heh, what a strange fucking name."
Those Grey Steel Nights S1E2: His Many Vices
I have a business meeting with one of the larger syndicates coming up soon. maybe if you can accompany me, and if you don't make too big of a stink, you'll be able to find time to ask about mister decouier.
Pep: The Coyote Bartender Part 3
"we have a business meeting with a mr. leonardo freeman for our marketing side of the bar," pep said as wolfy raised an eyebrow. "on a sunday?" wolfy asked as tweaky and pep nodded.
Her Little Assistant
After helping her through all of her presentations and business meetings, jacob is sure that he's proven himself a useful asset to shannon's team, and the company at large.
Raging Tiger, Chapter 7 - Knowing One's Place
As they were leaving, i heard them talking about having to leave to make an important business meeting in a few days, something to do with weapons." "hmm." said tobias, thoughtfully. "thank you for your time."
Early Retirement: Chapter 2
He understood that the mutt came from a world of cellphones, mp3 players, internet, social networking, fancy coffee, and business meetings.
Boy for Sale
He was dress like he had just come from a business meeting, italian shoes and everything. he even had a butler with him to hold the jet black blazer and sports coat he carried with him.
Blurring Lines...
He recovered quickly however and set both of his paws on the table as he smiled, "this isn't a business meeting, paul-- no need to be so official." the comment caught paul off guard, "but.. you were just talking business... weren't you?"
A Journey Begun - Prologue - Chapter 3
"good, now as i was saying, organised crimes already has a lead on where this guy's going to hold his next business meeting. it's down in a warehouse over at the docks, empty place no one really uses except for junkies and homeless people.
They had a business meeting, like they always do." marshal spent most of his time at his friends houses staying constantly for dinner since his parents were the mayors help aids.