His Words, My Actions
A minute later, we look toward each other and strike up a casual conversation; i avoid my story and instead talk about the hot weather, plus some new games coming out.
Time with Coach
In hot weather, people didn't wear thick shorts, they wore thin material clothes that revealed everything. i turned away and went back inside into the locker room. coach didn't follow me in.
Matter of manners
I didn't sleep very well, of course ; preyed by the hot weather, sweaty for the kilometers i've gone across, and dirty due to the whole travel, it was hard to reach the wonderlands of dreams in this old, cheap, creaking, freaking van.
Through the Eyes of a Painter
The hot weather soothes me." the butler frowned, but obeyed him, hurrying into the house to fetch the master of the house, the wealthy otter william bently, or will to most of his friends.
Surprise Party
In the midst of the hot weather, one yard had plenty of shade. the trees had large waxy leaves, there were lush ferns and a variety of other plant life that turned the front yard into a jungle.
Team X ch 3
As the team left the helicopter, the first thing they realized was the scorching hot weather of about 80 degrees.
The Moisturiser (2016)
We don't do well in the hot weather." the polar bear smiled slightly as he shielded his eyes with a large paw. "don't need me about do you? i think i need to go buy the biggest ice pop to cool down."
Down Memory Lane
The only things that didn't seem to be customised obviously was the electronics: the tv was installed in the old fireplace, wires running between it and a computer that whirred noisily under the hot weather.
A night in Paradise
His boot heels clicked smartly on the stone road and the hilt of his sword clinked against the fine silver chain hung from his belt, his leather pants making everything else about him silent, and his thin cotton shirt lent him comfort in hot weather, while
His Father's Army Buddies - Part 1
Even with the fan in his room set on high and his fur cropped short for the hot weather, being out of his clothes was a relief.
Speak Again Unhindered
Or hot weather. summer was, in fact, the squirrel's favorite season. when life was at fruition. when everything flowered, everything existed all at once. every season had its ups and downs, its conveniences and its trials.
Isolation-Excerpt 27-Jourmungand
One at a time, we dispatched the horde of mutated humans and then proceeded to the entrance of the secondary dome marked "deadscape hot weather research internal transport nexus."