Chapter Four - Lesson One

"you can do it," whispers a voice too familiar to dismiss. _was that... anthony?_ "relax... you can do it," sighs the same voice, the faintest of smiles forming on anthony's face as i look over to him.

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A Rare Sight Ch.10 Pt. 2-Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

"come on chole hang on for a bit more, you can do it." chole slowly began to stand up. "i can't go on anymore garrett." "don't say that chole, you can do it."

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Secrets of Unrequited Love

you can do it just one more time, man. i believe in you! i know you can do it." axel reassured kyan with a smile. kyan looked up at him and wiped away his tears.

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Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter Three.

"let's do the next speed, i know you can do it." "you made good time last time lets go an extra ten minutes." and those comments were exactly why tom wasn't about to date him.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 92

you can do it..." rostron muttered in the bridge, his officers at his sides watching with chief smith laying by his side. "almost there everyone!! give it all ya got!!"

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An Unexpected Encounter

I think you can do it if you stay calm and focus... as you told me.' fenny looked at her, hoping he helped. "mh..." cassidy sighed to herself. he wasn't wrong about any of it.

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Getting Ripped

you can do it!" he tossed another generic encouragement and stifled a moan as the tight ass clenched on him again. each time he rowed the weights back and forth the otter rode his cock like a pro.

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Chance meets: Tony the Tiger

"comeon kid, i know you can do it... just get one passed me and we will take a jog."

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day by day chapter one:its a boy!

Come on honey push you can do it!."

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Teaching Life Lessons: Chapter 2

"you can.. do it harder son." jake told him, knowing that he would need to extra bit of force to fully reach his end.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep05

"you can do it. just reach your hand forward towards the target. don't over think it. just want it," seif calmly instructed. the kirin nodded and focused her sight at the tree branch, reaching her right hand up towards it.

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