The Easy Way

Both arms were full, one with a large 24-pack of beer and the other with an even larger box with two large shipping labels pasted on.

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Idle Gains - Open Beta

Afterwards, he explored the game until he found a checkbox labelled "auto-allocate experience (experimental feature)," which he enabled.

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Challenge of Selection (Otherwise Untitled)

~ lentils and bean soup, with a red label and some sort of swirly font along the bottom rim. ~ a confused glare.

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Chapter 2 Don't Go

His fingers passed over another file labeled _cpt. lenard & eldon chocley_ from twenty or so years ago. the box tied to the file rattled when he shoved it aside. he pulled drawer _k-l_ and found another file labeled _princess ct.

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Dramophone 2

She unlocks the case, grabs one of the fancier-looking labels, holds it up with a quick wave, and says. "you'll have to find out. but..." she whistles to her replacement, a strong and tall stallion, and motions to the dolor.

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Julia's Discovery

Julia tilted the bed up, bracing it on her back and read the labels of the tubes of medicine until she noticed the word asprin, 15 doses. she popped the cap open and immediately noticed something.

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Don't cry wolf 3

Falstrol picked up a piece of bread, "well i flew around the city and found one building labeled nypd, i perched on one of the ledges and peaked inside. i saw two men and one of them had a folder labeled 'case file 3341 stylus, jonathan.'

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Chapter 3:- A Secret Love Affair Begins

During this time the tutor group had split into their friendship groups, which had the typical stereotyped labels such as you had the standard popular "cool" kids, the geeks, the do whatever i don't care group, where jess was and then you had the outcasts

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Another boring day

Walking in i explain to the father that the son has been labelled as one of talent in my line of work and needs training, as others may try to harm him if he stays here as a normal kid.

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Catching a Spare

A few minutes later a very naked, very crimson-cheeked june walked back to the coat-check desk with the bag full of her clothes, all properly labelled with her identifying information.

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Part III: Escape

An arrow pointing to the right was labeled "way out!" but beneath it was an old directory sign, a black label with the words "anti-matter core," pointing in the opposite direction.

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Game of Tombs (Clean Version)

The pedestal was labelled "fulh sa" in a gold font. to the left and right of the engraving were two disc-shaped indentations. crestor scoffed. yet another easy puzzle.

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