SummerSeen(Commission) Chapter 1 Arriving in Style and Chaos

dragon boy waited patiently by the stairs looking over a small game system in his hands, he sighed once not seeming very pleased at all, in reality he was waiting for others to arrive.

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Dogsitting (Incest Story)

The white furred dragon stared out his window at the river running beside his house. kaeso was an eastern dragon, and was responsible for keeping control over the river that flowed in the area.

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Looking in the Haunted Mirror

The rapidity in which the board tore off startled the one who'd pulled it off in the first place, causing the nineteen-year-old, blue furred dragon, soul, to almost fall over.

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Blue Rage

Lina walks through her small house and into a small room, there a young furred dragon girl is laying in bed. " hey pumpkin. " " hi. " she said sleepily.

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Attendance Limit Exceeded

The door gave way to reveal the grey furred dragon canine hybrid with his wings retracted in nothing but a pair of camouflage boxer briefs.

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More is less

The green furred dragon grumbled a bit. he stared back toward crash and closed the bottle. "well, i guess you're wondering what these are, right?" crash nodded in response. thunder coupled all the bottles together except one to the side.

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Good To Be Master

The male looked eagerly at his master's wet sex, stepping over the black furred dragon. dyvos looked back, just in time to see fiera rise up as well.

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Egg End Evolution: Epithet

He reinforced a point he's made before, but every time still felt like a wave of delight for the furred dragoness. "time isn't exactly what we have before her body starts its job. look, marrus...

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Virtually Real Part 9: Recovery and Explosions

The furred dragon gasped, "what the . . . you're going to execute us for getting caught holding hands after doing that with a lower life form?" kyle broke the kiss and glared at sacred.

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Somewhere Out There Act Zero - Your Life

"you don't have to-" he grunted, getting a tight squeeze from the furred dragon. "you deserve it, bartan." a faint awkward grumble from the bear. "you're letting me stay here for the night, least i can do is give you a hug."

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 13: The War Begins

Gato pressed her muzzle to the purple-furred dragon's balls, slurping loudly at them. she could feel the host's testicles churning, quivering with seed. the dorumon never made a noise, barely even moved.

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Tale of the Wayward dragon: Initiation(Illustrated story)

For a moment, rynthara remained limp, staring at malik while the white furred dragoness had her gaze fixated on rynthara's sex. she was wet, wasn't she? a pang of terror raced down rynthara's spine, cold shivers replacing the warm ones from before.

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