Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 26

She'd never dealt with crime bosses before, plenty of underlings, independent operators, even the occasional mad scientist, although that was more during her time as a corporate stooge.

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Echoes I

I feel like a mad scientist already saying that.. i pray that..... [suppressed sob].. davis out. 03:17pm automated wakeup station report 21380616/1. wakeup procedure of 8 subjects finished. success rate: 12.5%.

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The Badger's Bitch

I place the towel back on the rack and grab the hairbrush, brush, brush, brushing away the mad scientist look. i finish off by brushing my teeth and then applying deodorant, making sure that i look my best.

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The Pikachu's Unexpected love bios

Jolt in his younger years was turned by the mad scientist chris, into an semi-anthropomorphic version of himself which caused him to look like a 3 year child but retained his pikachu looks and features but was given extremely powerful super strength, agility


Enter Seraph

Ivan felt a little strange leaving the mad scientist's hall. part of what little conscience he had left (he did work for a company called evil empire, inc., after all), nagged at him.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 2-B

"i've battled an evil witch four times in my life; what could make some mad scientist any worse?"_ _the bat shrugged lightly. "well, the fact that his machines are tailored to fight a guy who can run faster than the speed of sound...

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PIkachu's unxpected love Bios

Jolt in his younger years was turned by the mad scientist chris, into an semi-anthropomorphic version of himself which caused him to look like a 3 year child but retained his pikachu looks and features but was given extremely powerful super strength, agility

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Dog Tired in the Zeta Quadrant

Apparently a descendant of the dogs owned by that so-called mad scientist who had been arrested for the outlawed practice of genetic engineering and enhancement.

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The webb clan chapter 2

And i know this mad scientist that mixed an eagle and a pig. it smashed into a sliding glass door. the owner of the house must have used windex, ha. "i thought this was an assassin hideout, what is he doing here?"



It also helped that maribel never did anything expected of a mad scientist, such as needles or surgery tables. lily had simply been taken along to maribel's office, where she could make calls or have a snack, if she wanted.

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Bentley's Scale Problems

The toad asked as he took hold of one of the two mad-scientist style power switches. the design had been chosen for two reasons. the first is was hard to set off by accident and secondly because both of them thought it would look cool.

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Interview with a Villain

scientists attempt to "purify the world" or some shit like that and was still to dangerous to reclaim."

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