
"we already know that you were trying to talk with jerry bunting. he's said nothing other than that you had asked to see him."

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A Tennis Match

And alexander was just bunting the ball back into play, moving tommy from one side to the other, perfectly calm and collected.

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Der erste Besuch - Nächtliches Näherkommen

buntes farbenspiel schimmerte vor meinen, immer noch auf den vor mir knienden wolf gerichteten, augen. meine ffnung zog sich fest hinter cors knoten zusammen.

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Tin Can Radio Sports

He's attempting to bunt! or maybe he just dropped the bat and is leaning on it... either way! the ball is hit! it's rolling across the field! and... and! the catcher has it! he's throwing it to first base!

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1- Hunters

He had even held her close when they finally settled down to sleep, her head bunting into his chest. but she slept light, her ears halfway alert.

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Ein Heißer Sommer, Tag 8 - Montage

Erst mit einem auge, dann mit beiden spähte er durch einen kleinen spalt hinein, erkannte auf diese weise jedoch nur buntes durcheinander.

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Dreamland Kapitel 1: Welcome to Dreamland!

bunte flächen erschienen vor seinen augen, sein ganzer körper unkontrolliert zuckend, sein schwanz peitschend, sein knoten zu seiner vollen grüße, beinahe der eines tennisballes, angeschwollen, allerdings außerhalb seiner schnauze.

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(I) Sophias Erwachen

Ihr buntes treiben brauchte keinen trauschein.

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"jerry bunting has asked me to tell you that he wants to see you, if it would help. do you want to see him?"

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Sibling love

As she entered the spot where she could smell her brother she could also smell bunt fur "brother!" she cried out as she saw him on the ground unconscious having still been damp and off his guard. "not a very good protector your mate is he?"

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Broken Bough

"excellent." the gryphon chirped, sitting back and bunting the edge of his beak against the side of kat's neck, whispering something softly that don's ears couldn't quite pick up.

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The Late Train

Black, gold trim, with what could be wood or metal designed as bunting, dark and as clean as from a factory floor.

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